International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty Establishing the German Confederation

Rights of the Ancient Nobility of the Empire.

The ancient and immediate Nobility of the Empire (l’ancienne
noblesse immédiate de l’Empire) shall enjoy the rights specified
in Sections I and 2, namely, of sitting in the Assembly of the
States, of exercising the patrimonial and forest jurisdiction, of
the local police, of presentations to Church benefices, as well as
of not being amenable to the ordinary tribunals.
These rights shall, however, be exercised according to the
regulations established by the laws of the country in which the
members of this Nobility have possessions.
In the provinces detached from Germany by the Peace of
Luneville of the 9th of February, 1801, and which are at present
reunited thereto, the principles above specified, relative to the
ancient and immediate Nobility of the Empire, shall, in their
application, be subject to such modifications as may be ren-
dered necessary by the relations which exist in these provinces.

Guarantee by the Confederation of the Rents assigned
upon the Navigation Duties of the Rhine, and of the Pen-
sions to the Clergy or Laity.

ART. XVI. The continuation of the direct and subsidiary Rents
assigned upon the Duties of the Navigation of the Rhine, as well
as the arrangements of the Recèsof the Deputation of the
Empire, dated the 25th of February, 1803, relative to the pay-
ment of Debts and Pensions granted to individuals of the
Clergy or Laity, are guaranteed by the Confederation.
The members of the late chapters of the cathedral churches,
as well as those of the free chapters of the Empire, shall have the
benefit of the pensions secured to them by the said Recès,in
every country at peace with the Germanic Confederation.

Pensions to Members of the Teutonic Order.

The members of the Teutonic Order, who have not yet obtained
adequate pensions, shall obtain them according to the princi-
ples established for the chapters of cathedral churches by the
Recèsof the Deputation of the Empire of the year 1803; and the
Princes who have acquired possessions formerly belonging to
the Teutonic Order, shall pay these pensions, according to their
proportion of the property of the Teutonic Order.

Fund for Support of Bishops and Clergy on Left Bank of the

The Diet of the Confederation shall deliberate upon the
measures to be adopted for establishing a fund for the support
and pensioning of Bishops and other members of the Clergy
belonging to the countries on the left bank of the Rhine, the
payment of which pensions shall be transferred to the Powers
actually possessing the said countries. This matter shall be set-
tled within a year, and until that time the pensions shall be paid
as heretofore.

Equality of Civil and Political Rights to Christian Sects.

ART. XVII. The different Christian sects in the countries and
territories of the Germanic Confederation shall not

experience any difference in the enjoyment of civil and politi-
cal rights.

Civil Rights of Jews.
The Diet shall consider of the means of effecting, in the most
uniform manner, an amelioration in the civil state of those who
profess the Jewish religion in Germany, and shall pay particular
attention to the measures by which the enjoyment of civil rights
shall be secured and guaranteed to them in the Confederated
States, upon condition, however, of their submitting to all the
obligations imposed upon other citizens. In the mean time, the
privileges already granted to this sect by any particular State
shall be secured to them.

Postal Revenues to be retained by Tour and Taxis.
ART. XVIII. The family of the Princes of Tour and Taxis shall
retain the revenues arising from the Post in the Confederated
States, under the same Regulations as were granted by the Recès
of the Deputation of the Empire of the 25th February, 1803, or
by subsequent Conventions, in so far as they shall not have been
altered by new Conventions freely acceded to on both sides.
In all cases the rights and pretensions of this House, whether
with regard to retaining the Post, or to a fair indemnity for the
same, such as the above Recèshas settled, shall be maintained.
This Regulation also applies to the case where the former
administration of the Post may have been abolished since 1803,
in contravention of the Recèsof the Deputation of the Empire,
unless, however, an indemnity shall have been absolutely settled
by a particular Convention.

Rights of Subjects of Confederated States.
ART. XIX. The Princes and the Free Towns of Germany have
agreed to secure to the subjects of the Confederated States, the
following rights:
A. That of acquiring and possessing funded property beyond
the limits of the State in which they are settled, without
being liable to pay to the foreign Power any higher tax or
duty than those paid by its own subjects.
B.1. That of emigrating from one Confederated State to
another, provided it be proved that the State in which
they settle receive them as subjects.
B.2. That of entering into the civil or military service of any
of the Confederated States, it being, however, understood,
that the exercise of either of these rights does not release
them from being liable to military service in their own
country. And in order that the difference of the laws with
regard to their liability to military service may not be
attended with any partial advantages or injurious conse-
quences to any particular State, the Diet of the Confeder-
ation shall consider of the means of establishing regula-
tions upon this subject, as impartial as possible.
C. The exemption from all export duty, drawback, or other
impost of that description, in case they remove their
property from one Confederated State to another, unless
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