International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Serbia

party shall have to prepare in the case of war shall be provided
for, as well as everything which—with respect to military
organisation, dislocation, mobilisation of the armies, and the
mutual relations of the Supreme Commands—should be fixed
in the time of peace in order to prepare for conditions of war
and for the successful prosecution of the war. The Military Con-
vention shall be considered as an integral part of this Treaty.
The elaboration of the Military Convention must be com-
menced within twenty-five days after the signature of this
Treaty, and for its elaboration a term of not longer than two
months is allowed.
Article 5.—The Treaty and the Military Convention shall be
considered as valid from the date of their signature until
December 31st, 1920, inclusive. Their duration can be pro-
longed beyond that term, but only after a supplementary agree-
ment shall have been concluded between the contracting par-
ties. But should the contracting parties find themselves still in
the state of war, or should the liquidation of results of such a
war be uncompleted on the date fixed for the expiration of this
Treaty and its annexed Military Convention, this Treaty and the
Convention shall continue valid until the conclusion of peace
and until the liquidation of the situation created by the war
shall have been completed.
Article 6.—The Treaty shall be signed in two copies in both
the Bulgarian and Serbian languages. It shall be signed by the
Sovereigns and their Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Similarly the
Military Convention shall be drawn up in two copies in the Ser-
bian and Bulgarian languages and signed by the Sovereigns and
their Ministers of Foreign Affairs and special military represen-
tatives endowed with full powers.
Article 7.—The Treaty and Convention may be announced
or communicated to other States only after previous agreement
between the contracting parties, and then together and at the
same time.
Similarly, another State may be received into alliance only
after a previous agreement.
Given at Sofia, February 29th, 1912

The Secret Annex to the Treaty of Friendship
and Alliance Between the Kingdom of Bulgaria
and the Kingdom of Serbia

Article 1.—In the case that internal disorder should break
out in Turkey, of a nature calculated to endanger the national
and State interests of the contracting parties, or of one of them,
or in the case that, in consequence of the internal or external
difficulties of Turkey, the question of maintaining the status quo
in the Balkan Peninsula should be opened, the contracting
party which first arrives at the conviction that armed action
should, in consequence, be taken, must address itself to the
other contracting party with a proposal to that effect which
must be supported by reasons and a statement of motive. The
other contracting party shall be obliged to enter at once into

exchange of ideas, and—if she does not agree with her Ally—to
give an answer explaining her reasons for disagreement.
If an agreement for joint action should be made, Russia is to
be informed thereof, and if she be not thereto opposed, action
shall be commenced on the basis of the agreement concluded,
being guided in everything by the sentiment of solidarity and
community of interests. In the contrary event, if an agreement
is not reached, the Allies will ask Russia for her opinion, which
opinion, if and so far as Russia gives it, shall be binding on both
If Russia does not wish to give an opinion, and if the con-
tracting parties afterwards fail to reach an agreement, and if
that party which favours an armed action should take such
action against Turkey on her own responsibility, then the other
party should be bound to maintain an attitude of friendly neu-
trality towards her Ally, and mobilise her army in the manner
foreseen by the Military Convention, and to proceed with all
her forces to the assistance of her Ally if some other State should
help Turkey.
Article 2.—All the territory won by a joint action in the
sense of Articles 1 and 2 of the Treaty and Art. 1 of this Conven-
tion, will become the joint possession (condominium) of both
the Allies, and the liquidation shall be executed immediately
and within a term of three months from the conclusion of
peace, on the following basis:
Serbia recognises Bulgaria’s right to the country lying to the
east of Rodopes and the river Struma, and Bulgaria that of Ser-
bia to the country to the north and to the west of the Shar
With respect to the territory lying between the Shar moun-
tain and the Rodopes, the Archipelago and the lake of Ochrida,
if both contracting parties arrive at the conclusion that it is
impossible to organise it into an autonomous province out of
consideration for the general interests of the Bulgarian and Ser-
bian nations, or for whatever interior or exterior reasons, then
that territory shall be treated in the following manner: Serbia
engages herself not to demand anything across the line marked
on the annexed map, and which starts from the point Golemi
Vrh on the Turko-Bulgarian frontier (to the north of Kriva
Palanka) and runs generally in a south-westerly direction to the
lake of Ochrida, passing across the hill Kitka, between the vil-
lages Metechovo and Podrzikon, across the height of the village
Nerava, by the watershed up to height 1,000, northwards of the
village Bashchevo, between the villages Lyubenatz and Potrlitsa,
across the hill Ostrich—the height 1,000 (the mountain Lis-
satz), the height 1,050, between the villages Drach and Opilo,
across the village Tamishmanatz and Zivalyevo, the heights
1,050 and 1,000, across the village Kushalo, following the main
watershed of the mountain Gradishte up to the hill Gorich, by
the height 1,023, by the watershed between the villages
Ivankovtse and Loguintsi and by the Voterski and Sopot to Var-
dar, crosses the Vardar and continues by the mountain top
across the height 2,550 up to the mountains Perepole, following
its watershed between the villages Krap and Barbaress up to the
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