International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Guide to Alliances by Region

4.1287 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty, in
Respect of the United Kingdom, and His
Majesty the King of Egypt 308
August 26, 1936

4.1288 German-Japanese Agreement and Supplementary
Protocol, Agreement Guarding against the
Communistic International
(Anti-Comintern Pact) 315
November 25, 1936

4.1291 Treaty of Non-Aggression among the
Kingdom of Afghanistan, the Kingdom of
Iraq, the Empire of Iran, and the Republic
of Turkey 319
July 8, 1937

4.1292 Treaty of Non-Aggression between the
Republic of China and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics 321
August 21, 1937

4.1293 Nyon Arrangement among the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Greece,
Romania, Turkey, the Soviet Union,
and Yugoslavia 322
September 14, 1937

4.1302 Franco-Turkish Declaration of
Mutual Assistance 329
June 23, 1939

4.1307 Treaty of Mutual Assistance among Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, France, and Turkey 333
October 19, 1939

4.1310 Treaty of Non-Aggression between His Majesty
in Respect of the United Kingdom and the
King of Thailand 339
June 12, 1940

4.1311 Treaty between Thailand and Japan
Concerning the Continuance of Friendly
Relations and the Mutual Respect of Each
Other’s Territorial Integrity 340
June 12, 1940

4.1312 Three-Power Pact among Germany, Italy,
and Japan (Tripartite Pact) 341
September 27, 1940

4.1314 Pact of Neutrality between the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan 342
April 13, 1941

4.1315 Treaty of Friendship between Germany
and Turkey 343
June 18, 1941

4.1317 Pact between Japan and Siam Establishing
a Military Alliance and Providing for Joint
Action as Regards Peace 344
December 21, 1941

4.1318 Tripartite Treaty of Alliance among Iran,
the United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics 344
January 29, 1942
4.1319 Australia-New Zealand Agreement 346
January 21, 1944
4.1322 League of Arab States (Arab League) 353
March 22, 1945
4.1325 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance 357
August 14, 1945
4.1327 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in
Respect of the United Kingdom and His
Highness the Amir of Transjordan 360
March 22, 1946
4.1332 Treaty of Brotherhood and Alliance between
the Kingdom of Iraq and the Hashemite
Kingdom of Transjordan 367
April 14, 1947
4.1349 Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation
Treaty between the States of the Arab League 387
June 17, 1950
4.1350 Mutual Defense Treaty between the United
States of America and the Republic of
the Philippines 389
August 30, 1951
4.1351 Security Treaty among Australia, New Zealand,
and the United States of America (ANZUS) 390
September 1, 1951
4.1352 Security Treaty between the United States
of America and Japan 392
September 8, 1951
4.1353 Treaty of Friendship and Collaboration among
the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, the
Kingdom of Greece, and the Turkish Republic 393
February 28, 1953
4.1355 Mutual Defense Treaty between the United
States of America and the Republic of Korea 395
October 1, 1953
4.1356 Agreement for Friendly Co-operation
between Pakistan and Turkey 396
April 2, 1954
4.1357 Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty 397
September 8, 1954
4.1358 Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States
of America and Republic of China (Taiwan) 399
December 2, 1954
4.1359 Pact of Mutual Cooperation between Iraq
and Turkey (Baghdad Pact) 400
February 24, 1955
4.1361 Joint Defence Agreement between Syria
and Egypt 403
October 20, 1955

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