International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Friendship between France and Romania

Turkish and French. In case of divergence, the French text shall
be authentic.
Article XI. The present Treaty shall be submitted as soon as
possible for the approval of the National Assemblies of both
States, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at
It shall enter into force as from the date of signature and
shall remain valid for five years. Unless this Treaty is denounced
by either High Contracting Party six months before the expira-
tion of the said period of five years, it shall be considered as
automatically renewed for one year more, denunciation becom-
ing in all cases effective only after six months.
In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed
the present Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.
Done in duplicate at Teheran on the twenty-second day of
April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six.

4.1248 Treaty between Germany and the Union

of Soviet Socialist Republics

Alliance Members:Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Signed On:April 24, 1926, in the city of Berlin. In force until Septem-
ber 1933, when Germany ended all military cooperation with the
Soviet Union.
Alliance Type:Neutrality Pact (Type II)

Source:British Foreign and State Papers,vol. 125, p. 738.


The Soviet leadership became increasingly fearful of economic and
political isolation following Germany’s participation in the Locarno
agreements of 1925. Easing western tensions and the shift of German
foreign policy away from isolation were not encouraging for the Sovi-
ets. This neutrality agreement, then, served as affirmation that cooper-
ation between the two countries would continue in accord with the
Treaty of Rapallo (1922).

The rise of Hitler and the National Socialists doomed Soviet-German
military cooperation, and the neutrality agreement was effectively
dead by September of 1933, when the Soviets responded to growing
Nazi propaganda and German targeting of Russian citizens by closing
several military training facilities. The German-Polish non-aggression
pact in January of 1934 confirmed the foreign policy split.

Alliance Text

The German Government and the Government of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, being desirous of doing all in their
power to promote the maintenance of general peace,
And being convinced that the interests of the German people
and of the peoples of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
demand constant and trustful co-operation,
Have agreed to strengthen the friendly relations existing

between them by means of a special Treaty and have for this
purpose appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
The German Government: Dr. Gustav Stresemann, Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs;
The Government of the Union of Socialist Soviet
Republics: M. Nikolaï Nicolaïwitsch Krestinski, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics;
Who, having communicated their full powers found in good
and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions:
Article I. The relations between Germany and the Union of
Socialist Soviet Republics shall continue to be based on the
Treaty of Rapallo.
The German Government and the Government of the Union
of Socialist Soviet Republics
shall remain in friendly touch in order to promote an under-
standing with regard to all political and economic questions
jointly affecting their two countries.
Article 2. Should one of the Contracting Parties, despite its
peaceful attitude, be attacked by one or more third Powers, the
other Contracting Party shall observe neutrality for the whole
duration of the conflict.
Article 3. If on the occasion of a conflict of the nature men-
tioned in Article 2, or at a time when neither of the Contracting
Parties is engaged in warlike operations, a coalition is formed
between third Powers with a view to the economic or financial
boycott of either of the Contracting Parties, the other Contract-
ing Party undertakes not to adhere to such coalition.
Article 4. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the instru-
ments of ratification shall be exchanged at Berlin.
It shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of the
instruments of ratification and shall remain in force for five
years. The two Contracting Parties shall confer in good time
before the expiration of this period with regard to the future
development of their political relations.
In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the pres-
ent Treaty.
Done in duplicate at Berlin, April 24, 1926.

4.1249 Treaty of Friendship between France

and Romania

Alliance Members:France and Romania
Signed On:June 10, 1926, in the city of Paris. In force until June 22,
Alliance Type:Neutrality Pact (Type II)
Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,no. 1373.

After the formation of the Little Entente in 1920 and 1921, this treaty
was part of a series of treaties made by France to forge tighter security
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