International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Taif


Fearing the rise of German hegemony in Central Europe, the leaders
of Hungary (G. Gömbös), Austria (E. Dollfuss), and Italy (B. Mus-
solini) convened in Rome on March 17, 1934, to discuss what became
known as the Roman Protocols. National Socialist political move-
ments were gaining momentum inside Austria. Mussolini preferred a
small, independent Austria on its northern border to the possibility of
a powerful and expansionist Germany, especially following the Italian
annexation of German-speaking Tyrol in 1919.

The pact began to decline with the expansion of influential National
Socialist forces following the assassination of Chancellor Dollfuss. On
March 12, 1938, the new government of Austria, formed by National
Socialist Arthur Seyss-Inquart, watched as the German Wehrmacht
crossed the border into Austria and declared annexation over Austrian

Alliance Text

The Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, the Head of
the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the President
of the Royal Council of Ministers of Hungary,
Being anxious to contribute to the maintenance of peace and
to the economic reconstruction of Europe on the basis of
respect for the independence and rights of every State,
Being convinced that co-operation in this direction between
the three Governments is likely to create a genuine basis for
wider co-operation with other States,
Undertake, with a view to achieving the above-mentioned

To confer together on all problems which particularly
concern them, and on problems of a general character,
with a view to pursuing, in the spirit of the existing
treaties of friendship between Italy and Austria, Italy and
Hungary and Austria and Hungary, which are based on a
recognition of the existence of numerous common inter-
ests, a concordant policy directed towards the promotion
of effective co-operation between the States of Europe
and particularly between Italy, Austria and Hungary.

To this end, the three Governments shall proceed to hold
joint consultations whenever at least one of them deems
it desirable.
The present Protocol is drawn up in three copies, in German,
Italian and Hungarian. In the case of any difference of opinion,
the Italian text shall be taken as authentic.
In faith whereof the undersigned have signed the present
ROME, March 17th, 1934.
GÖMBÖS, m.p.

4.1280 Treaty of Taif

Alliance Members:Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Arab Republic
Signed On:May 20, 1934, in the city of Taif (Saudi Arabia). In force
until November 6, 1962, when Saudi Arabia backed royalists during
Yemen’s civil war.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)
Source:British Foreign and State Papers,vol. 137, p. 670.

This non-aggression pact formed as a means to end the border con-
flicts between the former British protectorates of Saudi Arabia and
Yemen. The treaty affirmed border definitions for both states and
established methods for conciliation should any disputes erupt.
Recognition of both kingdoms was also affirmed. Both pledged to
refrain from alignments with any third parties that may harm the
other country’s interests, and in the case of political instability in
either ally, the ally must refrain from aiding any insurrections or other
causes of instability.
The treaty effectively ended when civil war broke out between Yemen
royalists and republicans. Egypt supplied support to the new republi-
can government and Saudi Arabia supported the royalists.

Alliance Text
In the Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. His Hon-
ourable Majesty the Imam Abdul Aziz Abdurrahman-al-Feysal
al-Saud, King of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom on the one part,
and His Honourable Majesty the Imam Yahya-bin-Muhammad
Hamiduddin, King of the Yemen, on the other part.
Being desirous of ending the state of war unfortunately
existing between them and their Governments and peoples;
And of uniting the Islamic Arab nation and raising its condi-
tion and maintaining its prestige and independence,
And in view of the necessity of establishing firm treaty rela-
tions between them
and their Governments and countries on a basis of mutual
advantage and reciprocal interests;
And wishing to fix the frontiers between their countries and
to establish relations of good neighbourship and ties of Islamic
friendship between them and to strengthen the foundations of
peace and tranquillity between their peoples and countries; And
being desirous that there should be a united front against sud-
den mishaps and a solid structure to preserve the safety of the
Arabian peninsula:
Have resolved to conclude a treaty of Islamic friendship and
Arab brotherhood between them and for that purpose have
nominated the following representatives plenipotentiaries on
their behalf.
[Here follow the names.]
Their Majesties the two Kings have accorded to their above-
mentioned representatives full powers and absolute authority;
and their above-mentioned representatives, having perused
each other’s credentials and found them in proper form, have,
in the name of their Kings, agreed upon the following articles:
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