International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq

and the military forces with which the latter were connected
and which had penetrated into Soviet territory,
And guided by the desire to maintain the peace of the Far
East and to promote the further consolidation of the existing
friendly relations between their countries,
have decided to formulate in the present protocol the gentle-
men’s agreement existing between them since 27 November

  1. This provides for mutual assistance in all possible ways to
    avert and forestall the danger of military attacks and to help and
    maintain each other in case of an attack by any third country on
    the USSR or the Mongolian People’s Republic.
    For these purposes, the present protocol has been signed.
    Article I. In case of the threat of an attack on the territory of
    the USSR or the Mongolian People’s Republic by a third coun-
    try, the Governments of the USSR and the Mongolian People’s
    Republic undertake to consult each other immediately regard-
    ing the situation and to adopt all measures that may be neces-
    sary for the protection and safety of their territories.
    Article II. The Governments of the USSR and the Mongolian
    People’s Republic are obliged, in case of a military attack against
    either party, to help one another with all means, including mili-
    tary assistance.
    Article III. The Governments of the USSR and the Mongo-
    lian People’s Republic are in full understanding that troops of
    either country that shall be sent by mutual agreement into the
    territory of the other, in accordance with Articles I and II of this
    protocol, shall immediately be withdrawn from that territory as
    soon as the period of emergency is over, as occurred in 1925,
    when Soviet troops were withdrawn from the territory of the
    Mongolian People’s Republic.
    Article IV. The present protocol is drawn up in two copies, in
    the Russian and Mongolian languages. The two texts are equally
    valid. The protocol enters into force from the moment of signa-
    ture and shall be valid for ten years thereafter.
    Signed at Ulan Bator, 12 March 1936.
    TAIROV, Plenipotentiary Envoy of the USSR in the
    Mongolian People’s Republic
    AMOR, President of the Little Hural
    GENDUN, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and
    Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People’s Republic

4.1286 Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and

Alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

and Iraq

Alliance Members:Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Yemen Arab Republic
(joined April 29, 1937)
Signed On:April 2, 1936, in the city of Baghdad (Iraq). In force until
April 2, 1956.
Alliance Type:Entente (Type III)

Source:British and Foreign State Papers,vol. 140, p. 620.

Saudi control of Arabian territory neared its present size by the early
1930s. Surrounded by water and British-controlled territories, the
Saudis sought assurances from their neighbors that their sovereignty
would be respected. This entente ostensibly resolved the lingering bor-
der disputes with Iraq. Yemen joined the alliance the following year,
three years after the Saudis defeated Yemeni forces in a short war to
put down a cross-border insurgency supported by the Yemeni imam.
The entente lasted until 1956, when the treaty was left to expire.

Alliance Text
In the name of God the Merciful the Compassionate.
His Majesty the King of ‘Iraq and His Majesty the King of Saudi
In view of the ties of the Islamic faith and of racial unity which
unite them; desirous of safeguarding the integrity of their terri-
tories; and having regard to the necessity which they feel for
mutual co-operation and understanding in regard to matters
affecting the interests of their Kingdoms;
Have agreed to conclude a Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and
Alliance, and
For this purpose have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
His Majesty the King of ‘Iraq: His Excellency Nouri Pasha
El Said, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ‘Iraq,
Order of the Rafidain First Class Military;
His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia: His Excellency
Shaikh Yusuf Yassin, Private Secretary to His Majesty and
Director of the Political Section of the Royal Diwan;
Who, having reciprocally communicated their full powers
found in due form, have entered into an Alliance and have con-
cluded the following Treaty:
Article 1. (a) Each of the High Contracting Parties recipro-
cally undertakes not to enter with any third party into any
understanding or agreement over any matter whatever of a
nature prejudicial to the interests of the other High Contracting
Party or to his country or its interests, or of a nature calculated
to expose to danger or harm the safety or interests of his coun-
(b) The two High Contracting Parties shall consult together
when necessary with a view to furthering the objects set forth in
the Preamble to this Treaty.
Article 2. The High Contracting Parties undertake to settle
any disputes arising between them by means of friendly negoti-
ations and, in the event of the settlement of any such dispute by
the said method proving difficult, to resort to the methods to be
laid down in a Protocol to be annexed to this Treaty and to be
agreed to as soon as possible after the exchange of ratifications
of this Treaty.
Article 3. Should any dispute between either High Contract-
ing Party and a third State produce a situation involving a threat
of war, in that case the High Contracting Parties shall jointly
endeavour to settle such dispute by peaceful means in accor-
dance with such international undertakings as may be applica-
ble to the case.
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