International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty between the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Romania

Alliance Text

Convinced that intimate friendly ties and close collaboration
correspond to the real interests of the peoples of the Federal
People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the people of Hungary, who
see in them a guaranty of their liberty and independence, their
unlimited development and growth, as well as securing and
consolidating peace in this part of Europe;
Having in view the vital interest of both countries in mutual
defense and bearing in mind experience gained in the last
World War, when Germany attacked a number of European
nations and menaced their liberty, political independence and
territorial integrity, firmly determined to fight jointly against
every aggression aimed against their peoples and to resist with
joint forces both all attempts to renew German imperialism as
well as its possible allies or other aggressors, in whatever form;
Wishing to strengthen their existing friendly relations and to
affirm, in a solemn manner, their unshakeable will jointly to
defend in the future their liberty, independence and integrity
and to establish their mutual relations in the spirit of friendship
and collaboration in the interest of consolidating peace and
international collaboration;
The Praesidium of the National Assembly of the Federal
People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the President of the Hun-
garian Republic have decided to conclude a Treaty of Friend-
ship, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance and for that purpose
have appointed their Plenipotentiaries, namely:
The Praesidium of the National Assembly of the Federal
People’s Republic of Yugoslavia: Marshal Josip-Broz-Tito,
Prime Minister of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia,
The President of the Hungarian Republic: Mr. Layos Din-
nyes, Prime Minister of the Hungarian Republic,
Who, having exchanged their credentials, which were found
to be correct, have agreed upon the following articles:
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties agree in the interests
of their countries and peoples, to unite in a policy of lasting
friendship which they will strengthen by close mutual collabo-
Article 2. The High Contracting Parties shall confer on all
those important international questions which concern the
interests of both countries or peace and international collabora-
tion, and will act by common consent in conformity with the
spirit of the United Nations Charter, and shall execute in agree-
ment all necessary measures in order to ensure their security,
independence and integrity.
Article 3. In case Germany or any third state should attack
one of the High Contracting Parties with the aim of threatening
its independence, enslaving it or taking its territories, the other
High Contracting Parties shall lend to it without delay military
and every other assistance by all means at its disposal.
Article 4. The High Contracting Parties pledge themselves
not to conclude any alliances or participate in any action
directed against the other High Contracting Party.

Article 5. The parties shall mutually strengthen, by appropri-
ate treaties and agreements within their sphere of competence,
the economic, cultural and other relations between their coun-
Article 6. This Treaty does not affect in any respect the obli-
gations assumed by the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia
and the Republic of Hungary towards third states. The High
Contracting Parties shall implement this Treaty in the spirit of
the United Nations Charter and shall support every initiative
aimed at removing the hot-beds of aggression and safeguarding
peace and security in the world.
Article 7. The present Treaty becomes operative by the
exchange of ratification documents in Belgrade, and remains
valid for a period of twenty years after the date of signature. If at
the end of this twenty-year period neither of the High Con-
tracting Parties expresses a wish, one year prior to the date of
expiration, to terminate this Treaty, it remains in force for a fur-
ther period of five years, and after this time, until one of the
High Contracting Parties terminates it in writing one year prior
to the lapse of the five year term.
In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the
present agreement and placed their signatures hereunder.
Done at Budapest, this December 8, 1947, in duplicate, in
Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian languages, both texts having
equal validity.

4.1335 Treaty of Friendship, Peaceful Coopera-

tion, and Mutual Aid between the Federal Peo-

ple’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom

of Romania

Alliance Members:Yugoslavia and Romania
Signed On:December 19, 1947, in the city of Bucharest (Romania).
In force until June 28, 1948.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 1571.

This treaty was the last alliance formed by Marshall Tito with
Yugoslavia’s neighbors prior to his break with the Soviet Union. As
with the other alliances, both parties pledged cooperation and mutual
aid in the case of attack and that neither party would engage in an
alliance targeting the other state. Tito’s foreign policy of regional
cooperation came to an abrupt halt when Stalin sought to enforce
Soviet supremacy in communist ideology. Romania officially
renounced this pact in September of 1949.

Alliance Text
Convinced that ties of sincere friendship and close co-operation
in all fields will serve the real interests of the people of the Fed-
eral People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Romanian people,
safeguard their freedom, independence, development and pros-
perity, and strengthen and consolidate peace in the Balkans;
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