International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

Western Hemisphere 169

previous plane had landed with its cargo intact. The last plane left Rio de Janeiro on
June 14.
Coding changes: End Date changed from April 30, 1983.

140 Brazil/740 Japan


Dispute Number: 3506
Date(s): June 6, 1945
Participants: 140 Brazil/740 Japan
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (Unclear)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Brazil declared war on Japan.
Coding changes: End Date changed from August 14, 1945. Outcome changed from
Unclear. Settlement changed from None.

145 Bolivia/150 Paraguay


Dispute Number: 2128
Date(s): August 10, 1886
Participants: 150 Paraguay/145 Bolivia
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: The decolonization of Latin America left many questions about proper
boundaries between the new political entities of the Western Hemisphere. Bolivia and
Paraguay’s dispute over the Chaco Boreal is one of these disputes. Early in 1886, in
hopes of ending this potential conflict quickly, Paraguay sent a minister to Asuncion.
The Bolivian government had been very slow to ratify the Decoud-Quijarro treaty
and Paraguay resented this and announced that it would reestablish a military garrison
(at Fuerte Olimpo on the Chaco side about midway between the mouth of the Apa
and Bahia Negra). Had Bolivia ratified the treaty, Fuerte Olimpo would have been in
Bolivian territory. Bolivia protested against this proposed garrison, but did nothing
when the garrison was reestablished.


Dispute Number: 1601
Date(s): December 23, 1887 to June 23, 1888
Participants: 150 Paraguay/145 Bolivia
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (None)
Fatalities: None

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