International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

180 Chapter 2

Narrative: Paraguayan troops took control of an Argentine island on the Parana River
while hunting for rebels. This resulted in a skirmish with Argentine border forces,
killing one Argentine soldier.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from December 26, 1959.


Dispute Number: 1209
Date(s): May 15, 1962 to November 1962
Participants: 150 Paraguay/160 Argentina
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: 1–25 deaths
Narrative: A clash broke out between Argentine frontier gendarmes and Paraguayan
army troops on the Pilcomayo River in May 1962. Another clash occurred six months
Coding changes: End Date changed from May 15, 1962.



Dispute Number: 1629
Date(s): November 29, 1859
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/150 Paraguay
Outcome (and Settlement): Released (Negotiated)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: This was a small-scale skirmish between Britain and Paraguay regarding
the Paraguayan ship Tacuri. Britain had several grievances with Paraguay by this time,
including the most recent incident of the Paraguayan arrest of a British subject named
Santiago Canstatt on February 16, 1859. Until these matters were resolved, British
policy toward Paraguay was to forbid the country from navigating outside the Parana
River. However, on November 29 of that same year, the HMS Grappler and Buzzard
prevented the Tacuri from heading to Montevideo via Buenos Aires. A shot was even
fired at the ship, which included the Paraguayan General Francisco S. Lopez (later the
president), that eventually forced the ship back to pier. Nothing of consequence came
of this event. Britain eventually agreed to drop most of her demands by 1862.
Coding changes: End Date changed from November 30, 1859.

150 Paraguay/255 Germany


Dispute Number: 3715
Date(s): February 7, 1945
Participants: 150 Paraguay/255 Germany, 740 Japan

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