Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Wiener 2003
Wiener, Malcolm, “The Absolute Chronology of LH III A2 Revisited,” ABSA98 (2003),
pp. 239–250.
Wiener and Allen 1998
Wiener, Malcolm and James Allen, “Separate Lives: The Ahmose Tempest Stela and
the Theran Eruption,” JNES57 (1998), pp. 1–28.
Wiesner 1939
Wiesner, Josef, Fahren und Reiten in Alteuropa und im alten Orient. Originally published
as fascicles 2–4 of Das alte Orient38 (1939), and reprinted as a book in 1971 (Olms:
Hildesheim and New York).
Wincentz Rasmussen and Boas 2006
Wincentz Rasmussen, Lisbeth and Niels Boas, “A Hoard with Eight Short Swords from
the Early Bronze Age,” Journal of Danish Archaeology14 (2006), pp. 87–108.
Witzel 2001
Witzel, Michael, “Autochthonous Aryans? The Evidence from Old Indian and Iranian
Texts,” Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies7 (2001), pp. 1–115.
Witzel 2003
Witzel, Michael, Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Exchange in Prehistoric Western
Central Asia(Sino-Platonic Papers no. 129. Philadelphia, 2003).
Woytowitsch 1978
Woytowitsch, Eugen, Die Wagen der Bronze- und frühen Eisenzeit in Italien (Munich:
Beck, 1978 [PBFAbt. XVII, Bd. 1]).
Wyatt 1970
Wyatt, William, “The Indo-Europeanization of Greece,” pp. 89–111 in Cardona,
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Yadin 1963
Yadin, Yigael, The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands in the Light of Archaeological Study,
vols. 1 and 2 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963).
Yadin 1972
Yadin, Yigael, “The Earliest Representation of a Siege Scene and a ‘Scythian Bow’ from
Mari,” Israel Exploration Journal22 (1972), pp. 89–94.
Yanko-Hormbach, Gilbert and Dolukhanov 2007
Yanko-Hormbach, Valentina, Alan Gilbert and Pavel Dolukhanov, “Controversy over
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and Archaeological Evidence,” Quaternary International vols. 167–168 (2007),
pp. 91–113.
Younger 1997
Younger, John, “The Stelai of Mycenae Grave Circles A and B,” pp. 229–239 and Plates
LXXXVII to XCIV in TEXNH. Craftsmen, Craftswomen, and Craftsmanship in the
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Younger 2009
Younger, John, “A Balkan-Aegean-Anatolian Glyptic Koine in the Neolithic and EBA
Periods,” a paper read at the VIth International Aegean Symposium in Athens in
September of 1987. The proceedings of the symposium were never published, but
Younger put his contribution online in 2009.
handle/1808/4303/Neo-EBA_Koine.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, accessed January
19, 2017.

272 Bibliography of works cited

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