Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe - Robert Drews

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Fidvár 139
Fikirtepe culture 7
Finkelberg, Margalit 9
Finkelstein, Israel 73
Fischl, Klára 140–141
folk migrations 3–5, 9, 10, 31, 38
Foltiny, Stephan 164
Forlanini, Massimo 117
Forrer, Emil 1
Fortson, Benjamin 1, 31, 32
Funnel-beaker culture seeTRB culture

Galatas 78
Gallemose bog 160
Gamkrelidze, Thomas 13
Gej, Aleksandr 17
Gelb, Ignace 61
Gening, Vladimir 42–43
Germanic 3, 4, 11, 20, 22, 31, 38, 86, 156,
Gimbutas, Marija 28–31, 36, 49, 60–61,
82, 121, 124, 125, 134
Girsu 66
Glock, Albert 67
Gogadze, Elgudzha 95
gold 137, 138, 140, 180
Goldman, Hetty 79
Gordion 48
Gorzyca 156
Gostibé 223
Grave Circles A and B seeShaft
greaves 155, 201
Grebska-Kulova, Malgorzata 8
Greek language 121, 176–177, 194, 206,
225–226, 228–229
Greenberg, Rafael 25n
Greenhalgh, Peter. A. L. 189
Greppin, John 228
“Griffin Warrior” grave at Pylos 195
Griffith, Ralph 111
Guilaine, Jean 81
Gumelnit ̧a seeKaranovo–Gumelniţa
Güterbock, Hans 187
Gutians 70

Hacilar 6
Hacker, Barton 49, 109
Hagel, Dietmar 183
Hagia Triada 75
Hajdúsámson 148, 152
Hallan Çemi 6
Hamblin, William 61, 100n

Hammurabi 46, 60, 67–70, 72, 109–115,
Hana pastoralists see nomadic pastoralists
Hancˇar, Franz 30
Harappa 85
Harding, Anthony 83, 84, 161, 177, 180
Harrell, Katherine 195–196
Harsamna (Charsamna) 224
Harvey, Stephen 120–121
Hassu 118
Hatshepsut 202, 205
Hatti 9, 47, 116–118, 178, 184, 187,
224–225, 235
Hattic 9
Hattusha 9–10, 116–118, 131, 187, 189,
Hattushili I 47, 91, 113, 116, 117–118,
Häusler, Alexander 11, 30–31
Hawkins, Shane 226
Hayk the Forefather 227
Hazor 73
Heggarty, Paul 16, 26n
Hehn, Victor 122
Heimpel, Wolfgang 61, 67, 68, 71
Hektor 39
helmets: leather with bronze scales 111,
115: boar’s-tusk 77, 79, 80, 199–200;
bronze 154–155, 200
Helmsdorf 135, 146
Hencken, Hugh 200
Hermes, Gertrud 28, 122–123, 124, 145,
Herodotos 227, 234n
Herold, Anja 119
Hiller, Stefan 94, 220
hippagogoi 204
Hippodameia 39
hippodamoi 39
Hiritum, Battle of 68–69
Hittite 1–3, 114, 116–117, 119, 122;
see alsoKanesh, language of
hoards 147, 148, 152, 156
Hoca Çes ̧me 8
Homer 182, 189–190, 194, 205
Horn, Christian 157
horses: as food animals 33, 38, 90–91,
122, 141, 181–182, 223; as pack
animals 33–35; as grave offerings 14,
33, 91, 183–184; domestication of 14,
28–29, 33, 36; herding of 29, 36; in
paired draft 39, 42–44; riding of 28–33,
35–40, 41–42, 46, 48–49, 145, 224;
shipping of 202–205; taming of 39–41,

278 Index

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