A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

(ff) #1

196 Halsall

——— , Variae, ed. T. Mommsen, Cassiodori Senatoris Variae (Monumenta Germaniae
Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 12), Berlin 1894; translated selections in S.J. Barnish,
Cassiodorus: Variae, Liverpool 1992; summaries with some translations in T. Hodgkin,
The Letters of Cassiodorus: Being a Condensed Translation of the Variae Epistolae of
Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator, London 1886.
Codex Theodosianus (CTh), trans. C. Pharr, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the
Sirmondian Constitutions, Princeton, NJ 1952.
Consularia Italica, ed. T. Mommsen, Chronica Minora saec. IV. V. VI. VII, vol. 1
(Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 9), Berlin 1892,
pp. 249–339.
Edictum Theoderici (ET), ed. F. Bluhme (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Legum 5),
Hannover 1875–89, pp. 145–79; translation in S.D.W. Lafferty, Law and Society in the
Age of Theoderic the Great: A Study of the Edictum Theoderici, Cambridge 2013,
pp. 243–94.
Ennodius, Life of Epiphanius, ed. F. Vogel, Magni Felici Ennodi Opera (Monumenta
Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 7), Berlin 1885, pp. 84–109; trans.
G.M. Cook, The Life of Saint Epiphanius by Ennodius. A Translation with an
Introduction and Commentary, Washington, DC 1942.
——— , Epistulae, ed. F. Vogel, Magni Felici Ennodi Opera (Monumenta Germaniae
Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 7), Berlin 1885.
——— , Panegyricus, ed. F. Vogel, Magni Felici Ennodi Opera (Monumenta Germaniae
Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 7), Berlin 1885.
Gregory of Tours, Histories, ed. B. Krusch/W. Levison (Monumenta Germaniae
Historica, Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum 1.1), Hannover 1951; trans. L. Thorpe,
Gregory of Tours: The History of the Franks, Harmondsworth 1974.
Malchus, ed. and trans. R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicizing Historians of the
Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, Liverpool 1981, pp. 401–462.
Priscus, ed. and trans. R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicizing Historians of the
Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, Liverpool 1981, pp. 221–400.
Procopius, Secret History, ed. and trans. H.B. Dewing, Procopius, vol. 6 (Loeb Classical
Library), London 1935.
——— , Wars, ed. and trans. H.B. Dewing, Procopius, vols. 1–5 (Loeb Classical Library),
London 1914–28.

Secondary Literature
Amory, P., People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, 489–554, Cambridge 1997.
Arnold, J.J., “Theoderic’s Invincible Mustache”, Journal of Late Antiquity 6.1 (2013),
——— , Theoderic and the Roman Imperial Restoration, Cambridge 2014.

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