A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

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12 Arnold, Bjornlie, and Sessa


Secondary Literature
Amory, P., People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, 489–554 (Cambridge Studies in
Medieval Life and Thought), Cambridge 1997.
Barnish, S., “Transformation and Survival in the Western Senatorial Aristocracy”,
Papers of the British School at Rome 56 (1988), 120–55.
Barnish, S./Marazzi, F. (eds.), The Ostrogoths: From the Migration Period to the Sixth
Century, An Ethnographic Perspective, Woodbridge, MA 2007.
Barnwell, P.S., Emperor, Prefects and Kings: The Roman West, 395–565, Chapel Hill, NC
Burns, T., A History of the Ostrogoths, Bloomington, IN 1984.
Bury, J., History of the Late Roman Empire, 2 vols., New York 1958.
Carile, A. (ed.), Teoderico e i Goti tra Oriente e Occidente, Ravenna 1995.
Demandt, A., “The Osmosis of Late Roman and Germanic Aristocracies”, in E. Chrysos/
A. Schwarcz (eds.), Das Reich und die Barbaren, Vienna 1989, pp. 75–88.
Gibbon, E., The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J.B. Bury, 3 vols., New York
1946; first published as The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
6 vols., London 1776–88.

Figure 1.4 Map of 6th-century Ravenna
Map by Ian Mladjov

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