A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

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it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the responsibilities of the different magistracies.
One must consider, however, that there were often tasks that overlapped between differ-
ent organs of government. The key to enter into the labyrinth of the archive is provided
by the Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali: Guida generale agli Archivi di Stato
italiani (Rome, 1994) 4:858–1148 [the part concerning Venice]. The Biblioteca Nazionale
Marciana, Biblioteca del Museo Civico Correr, and Biblioteca della Fondazione Querini
Stampalia contain material that helps to complete that of the Archivio di Stato. One must
not underestimate the riches of the archives and libraries of the terraferma, which can
provide important data and information at the provincial level. In this case as well, the
Guida can be of great assistance.
Although printed primary sources are less numerous than those available to the medi-
eval scholar, they are nonetheless of great importance. Particularly important are the Dia-
rii of Marin Sanudo, ed. Rinaldo Fulin, Federico Stefani, Nicolò Barozzi, Guglielmo Berchet,
and Marco Allegri, 58 vols (Venice, 1879–1903), which regard the dates of 1496–1533 and
offer an enormous amount of information. The Diarii (1494–1512) of Girolamo Priuli, ed.
Arturo Segre and Roberto Cessi, 3 vols (Città di Castello and Bologna, 1912–41) are less
detailed and deal with a more limited chronological period. Also useful are the Annali
veneti dall’anno 1457 al 1500 by Domenico Malipiero, ed. Agostino Sagredo, published in
Archivio storico italiano 7 (1843–44), 5–720. Recently, Christiane Neerfeld, “Historia per
forma di diaria,” La cronachistica veneziana contemporanea a cavallo tra il Quattro e il
Cinquecento (Venice, 2006) has attributed this work to Pietro Dolfin. The website of the
Archivio di Stato of Venice (http://www.archiviodistatovenezia.it/divenire/collezioni.htm)
offers the chance to consult important documentary series up to 1500. Some documents
have been published by Brian Pullan and David Chambers in Venice. A documentary his-
tory, 1450–1630 (Oxford, 1992). See also Il libro dei conti di Giacomo Badoer (Costantinopoli
1436–40), ed. Tommaso Bertelè (Rome, 1956); Lettere di commercio di Andrea Barbarigo,
mercante veneziano del ’400, ed. Salvatore Sassi (Naples, 1951); Lettres d’un marchand véni-
tien Andrea Berengo (1553–56), ed. Ugo Tucci (Paris, 1957); and Lettere di Vincenzo Priuli
capitano delle galee di Fiandra al doge di Venezia, 1521–1523, ed. Francesca Ortalli (Ven-
ice, 2005). For financial history, see I prestiti della Repubblica di Venezia, ed. Gino Luz-
zatto, Documenti finanziari della Repubblica di Venezia editi dalla R. Accademia dei Lincei,
ser. 3, vol. 1, part 1 (Padua, 1929); the Bilanci della Repubblica di Venezia, ed. Fabio Besta,
3 vols (Venice, 1903–12); vol. 4 is edited by Angelo Ventura (Padua, 1972). Regarding the
Flemish community from 1568–1621, see the notarial acts summarized in Marchands fla-
mands à Venise, eds. Winfried Brulez and Greta Devos, 2 vols (Bruxelles-Rome, 1965–86);
for the German community, see Heinrich Simonsfeld, Der Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venedig
und die deutsch-venetianischen Handelsbeziehungen, 2 vols (Stuttgart, 1887).
Journals specializing in Venetian history include: Archivio veneto; Ateneo veneto; Atti
dell’Istituto veneto di scienze lettere e arti; and Bollettino dell’Istituto di Storia della Società e
dello Stato Veneziano (since 1976 Studi veneziani).

Secondary Works
Allen, Robert C., “Real wages in Europe and Asia: A First Look at the Long-Term Patterns,”
in Robert C. Allen, Tommy Bengtsson, and Martin Dribe, eds., Living Standards in the
Past. New Perspectives on Well-Being in Asia and Europe (Oxford, 2005).
Apellániz, Francisco J., “Crise financière et rapports internationaux en Méditerranée:
la faillité des corporations éuropéennes dans le sultanat mamelouk (1450–1517),” in
Simonetta Cavaciocchi, ed., Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico, secc.
XIII–XVIII, vol. 2 (Florence, 2007).
Arbel, Benjamin, Trading Nations: Jews and Venetians in the Early Modern Eastern Mediter-
ranean (Leiden, 1995).
Ashtor, Eliyahu, “The Venetian Supremacy in Levantine Trade: Monopoly or Pre-
Colonialism?” Journal of European Economic History 3 (1974).

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