A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

602 margaret l. king

17th century, along with catalogues and genealogies that also documented
the families, fortunes, and heroes of the Venetian past: characteristic is
Giacomo alberici’s Catalogo breve de gl’illvstri et famosi scrittori venetiani
(1605).102 More sophisticated compilations in the 18th century, the era of
the enlightenment, include Giovanni degli agostini’s (1701–55) invaluable
Notizie istorico-critiche intorno la vita, e le opere degli scrittori viniziani
[Historical-critical Notices Concerning the Life and Works of Venetian
Writers, 1752–54];103 Giovanni Battista Maria contarini’s Anecdota veneta
nunc primum collecta ac notis illustrata [Venetian Vignettes Now for the
First Time Collected and Annotated, 1757];104 Marco Foscarini’s (1696–1763)
compendious Della letteratura veneziana ed altri scritti intorno ad essa [On
Venetian Literature and Other Related Writings];105 and apostolo Zeno’s
(1669–1715) commentaries, dealing with many figures from Venice and the
Veneto, and on Gerardus Joannes Vossius’s work on latin historiography
in his Dissertazioni vossiane [Vossian commentaries; 1752–53].106
and on into the 19th century and the era of risorgimento continued the
memorialization of Venice by reverential modern scholars now burdened
by the consciousness of the extinction of the republic that had reigned for
more than a millennium:107 in emanuele cicogna’s (1789–1868)^ six-volume
Delle inscrizioni veneziane^ [Venetian Inscriptions, 1824–53];108 Samuele
romanin’s (1808–61) ten-tome collection of the documentary high points
of the public history in his Storia documentata di Venezia [Documented

102 Giacomo alberici, Catalogo breve de gl’illvstri et famosi scrittori venetiani, quali tutti
hanno dato in luce qualche opera, conforme alla loro professione particolare (Bologna, 1605).
103 Giovanni degli agostini, Notizie istorico-critiche intorno la vita, e le opere degli
scrittori viniziani (Venice, 1752–54).
104 Giovanni Battista Maria contarini, Anecdota veneta nunc primum collecta ac notis
illustrata, studio Fr. Joannis Baptistae Mariae Contareni. Tomus Primus (Venice, 1757).
105 Marco Foscarini, Della letteratura veneziana ed altri scritti intorno ad essa, ed.
Francesco Berlan (Padua, 1752; Venice, 1854; repr. Bologna, 1976).
106 apostolo Zeno, Dissertazioni vossiane di Apostolo Zeno, cioè giunte e osservazioni
intorno agli storici italiani che hanno scritto latinamente, rammentati dal Vossio [Gerardus
Joannes Vossius] nel iii. libro de historicis latinis... (Venice, 1752–53; repr. Farnborough,
u.K., 1970) [orig. pub. in Giornale de’ letterati d’Italia 9–28 (1712–17]; see also huub Van
der linden, “apostolo Zeno as reader and (re)writer: acknowledgement of influence and
anxiety of authorship,” in lisa Pon and craig Kallendorf, eds., The Books of Venice / Il Libro
Veneziano (Venice/new castle, del., 2009), pp. 383–410.
107 For the 19th-century historians of Venice, see claudio Povolo, “The creation of
Venetian historiography,” in John J. Martin and dennis romano, eds., Venice Reconsidered:
The History and Civilization of an Italian City-State, 1297–1797 (Baltimore, 2000), pp. 491–519.
108 emmanuele antonio cicogna, Delle Inscrizioni Veneziane, 6 vols (Venice, 1824–53;
repr. Bologna, 1969).

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