A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

646 linda l. carroll

Bibliographical Essay

an extensive, expert, and indispensable guide to the history of Venetian
culture is the Storia della Cultura Veneta (hereafter sCV with volume and
part numbers separated by a period) published over a number of years by
neri Pozza of Vicenza. gianfranco Folena decided the plan of the work,
which is divided into volumes by historical period; volumes are subdivided
into tomes by historical period and/or by the distinction between cultural
matters, such as literature and music, and historical and scientific matters.
the editors for all of the volumes cited in the present essay were girolamo
arnaldi and Manlio Pastore stocchi. the authors of the articles have
produced major works of scholarship that should be consulted by those
seeking additional information on topics of interest.

The 15th Century

Dal Primo Quattrocento al Concilio di Trento [From the Early Fifteenth
Century to the Council of Trent] (1980), sCV 3.1, contains the following
articles important to the present essay: armando balduino, “Le esperienze
della poesia volgare,” pp. 265–367; Marisa Milani, “Le origini della poesia
pavana e l’immagine della cultura e della vita contadina,” pp. 369–412; and
ivano Paccagnella, “Origini padovane del macaronico: Corado e tifi,” pp.
413–29. important works on Venetian publishing are Martin Lowry, The
World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice
(ithaca, 1979); tiziana Plebani, Venezia 1469. La legge e la stampa (Venice,
2004); and Vittore branca and giorgio Padoan, eds., Boccaccio, Venezia e
il Veneto (Florence, 1979).

The 16th Century

numerous essays of sCV 3.2 provide orientation on the issues considered
here, including: giancarlo Mazzacurati, “Pietro bembo,” pp. 1–59; giovanni
aquilecchia, “Pietro aretino e altri poligrafi a Venezia,” pp. 61–98; ginetta
auzzas, “La narrativa nella prima metà del Cinquecento,” pp. 99–138;
Piero Floriani, “grammatici e teorici della letteratura volgare,” pp. 139–81;
Manlio Cortelazzo, “esperienze ed esperimenti plurilinguistici,” 183–213;
neri Pozza, “L’editoria veneziana da giovanni da spira ad aldo Manuzio.
i centri editoriali di terraferma,” pp. 215–44; John r. hale, “industria del
libro e cultura militare a Venezia nel rinascimento,” pp. 245–88. the
scholarship on early 16th-century literature, theater, and publishing in
Venice is vast; it is possible to give only some of most relevant works here.

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