A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

art in venice, 1400–1600 805

Art Historical Surveys

David rosand, Painting in Cinquecento Venice: Titian Veronese, Tintoretto
(new Haven/London, 1982); and relevant contributions in Mauro Lucco,
ed., La pittura nel Vento. Il Quattrocento, 2 vols (Milan, 1989–90); and
Mauro Lucco, La pittura nel Vento. Il Cinquecento, 2 vols (Milan, 1996–
98). norbert Huse and Wolfgang Wolters, The Art of Renaissance Venice:
Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting (chicago/London, 1990) [1st ed.
German, Munich, 1986; ital. ed. Venice, 1989]. Michel Hochmann, Peintres
et Commanditaires à Venise (1540–1628) (rome, 1992); idem, Venise et Rome
1500–1600. Deux Ecoles de peinture et leurs échanges (Geneva, 2004). Philip P.
Fehl, Decorum and Wit: The Poetry of Venetian Painting (Vienna, 1992). Also
the volumes published by the istituto dell’enciclopedia italiana, Storia di
Venezia. Dalle origini alla caduta della Serenissima, 14 vols (rome, 1992–
2002), particularly the essays in vol. 13 (1994): Temi. L’Arte, ed. rodolfo
Pallucchini, part 1, and vol. 6 (1994): Dal Rinascimento al barocco, ed.
Gaetano cozzi and Paolo Prodi. Patricia Fortini Brown, The Renaissance
in Venice: A World Apart (London, 1997). Wolfgang Wolters, Architettura e
ornamento. La decorazione nel Rinascimento veneziano (Sommacampagna,
2007) [1st ed. German, 2000] (chapters, among others, concerning façade
painting, chimneys, flooring, vivid ceiling decorations, and wall paintings
in civil and sacral structures).

Selected Issues and Themes

in reference to the issues selected here, the previously cited works should
not be overlooked.

Altars: Peter Humfrey, The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice (ca 1450–
1530 ) (new Haven/London, 1993); idem: “Altar Pieces and Altar Dedications
in counter reformation Venice and the Veneto,” Renaissance Studies 10.3
(1996), 371–87.
Presence of Antiquities: Patricia Fortini Brown, Venice and Antiquity:
The Venetian Sense of the Past (new Haven/London, 1996). Marcella de
Paoli, “Opera fatta diligentissimamente.” Restauri di sculture classiche
a Venezia tra Quattro e Cinquecento (rome, 2004). Friedl Brunckhorst,
Architektur im Bild. Darstellung der Stadt Venedig im 15. Jahrhundert
(Hildesheim, 1997).
Battle Scenes: A more recent investigation is lacking. However, see
Marcello Fantoni, “ ‘il perfetto capitano,’ storia e mitografia,” in Fantoni,
ed., “Il perfetto capitano.” Immagini e realtà (secoli XV–XVII) (rome, 2001).

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