DK Grammar Guide

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

  • The future with “will” 50 Object and subject questions

  • The present for future events 54 Indirect questions

  • The future continuous 56 Question tags

  • The future perfect 60 Short questions

  • The future in the past 62 Short answers

  • Future overview 64 Questions overview

  • The passive 66 Reported speech

  • The passive in the past 68 Tenses in reported speech

  • The passive in the future 72 Reporting verbs

  • The passive with modals 74 Reported speech with negatives

  • Other passive constructions 76 Reported questions

  • Conditional sentences 78 Reported speech overview

  • Other conditional sentences 84 Types of verbs

  • Conditional sentences overview 86 Action and state verbs

  • Future possibilities 88 Infinitives and participles

  • Wishes and regrets 90 Verb patterns

  • Forming questions 94 Verb patterns with objects

  • Question words 98 Verb patterns with prepositions

  • Open questions 100 Phrasal verbs

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    • Modal verbs 152 Quantity

    • Ability 154 Approximate quantity

    • Permission, requests, and offers 156 Personal pronouns

    • Suggestions and advice 158 Reflexive pronouns

    • Obligations 162 Indefinite pronouns

    • Making deductions 16 4 Possession

    • Possibility 166 Defining relative clauses

    • Articles 168 Non-defining relative clauses

    • Articles overview 174 Other relative structures

    • “This / that / these / those” 176 Question words with “-ever”

    • “No / none” 180 “There”

    • “Each / every” 182 Introductory “it”

    • “Either / neither / both” 184 Shifting focus

    • Singular and plural nouns 188 Inversion

    • Countable and uncountable nouns 190 Ellipsis

    • Subject-verb agreement 192 Shortening infinitives

    • Abstract and concrete nouns 194 Substitution

    • Compound nouns 196 Adjectives

    • Numbers 198 Gradable and non-gradable adjectives

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    • Comparative adjectives 258 Linking words overview

    • Two comparatives together 263 Prefixes

    • “As... as” comparisons 266 Suffixes

    • Superlative adjectives 268 Easily confused phrases

    • Adverbs of manner 272 Sequencing and organizing

    • Comparative and superlative adverbs 274 Correcting and changing the subject

    • Adverbs of degree 276 Deciding and hedging

    • Adverbs of time 280 Making conversation

    • Adverbs of frequency

    • “So” and “such” 284 Reference

    • “Enough” and “too” 286 Glossary

    • Prepositions 288 Index and Acknowledgments

    • Prepositions of place

    • Prepositions of time

    • Other prepositions

    • Dependent prepositions

    • Coordinating conjunctions

    • Subordinating conjunctions

    • More linking words

    • 004-007_Contents.indd 7 26/07/2016 10:

    • Comparative adjectives 258 Linking words overview

    • Two comparatives together 263 Prefixes

    • “As... as” comparisons 266 Suffixes

    • Superlative adjectives 268 Easily confused phrases

    • Adverbs of manner 272 Sequencing and organizing

    • Comparative and superlative adverbs 274 Correcting and changing the subject

    • Adverbs of degree 276 Deciding and hedging

    • Adverbs of time 280 Making conversation

    • Adverbs of frequency

    • “So” and “such” 284 Reference

    • “Enough” and “too” 286 Glossary

    • Prepositions 288 Index and Acknowledgments

    • Prepositions of place

    • Prepositions of time

    • Other prepositions

    • Dependent prepositions

    • Coordinating conjunctions

    • Subordinating conjunctions

    • More linking words

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