Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

Unit Seventeen


St Petersburg

In this unit you will learn how to:

  • Write a letter

  • Express dates

  • Use more numerals

  • Use the subjunctive/conditional



Marina is writing to her friend Jane about her visit to St Petersburg.
Marina has found out some interesting facts about her family history.
Her ancestors were naval officers before the 1917 Revolution and suf-
fered terribly under the Bolsheviks. Her grandmother’s life was espe-
cially tragic. Her husband was arrested, and she was left on her own
with three small children. Marina explored Petersburg together with her
cousin Natasha, a historian, who was able to pass on a lot of informa-
tion about the family.

Дорогa�я Джейн!

Большо�е спаси�бо за твоё письмо! Прости� �, что я так до�лго не
писа�ла! Ты так интересно описа� �ла свою� пое�здку в Вене�цию! A я
то�лько что верну�лась из Петербу�рга. Како�й э�то прекрасный го� �род!
Ты зна�ешь, я сейча�с ни o чём не могу� говори�ть, кро�ме Петербу�рга.

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