Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

272 Unit 19: Образова�ние

They are the equivalent of participles in English which, in regular verbs,
end in -ed. Like the active participles, passive participles are verbal
adjectives, formed from the verb but with adjectival endings. Note that
passive participles can only be formed from transitive verbs (i.e. verbs
capable of taking an object).

Past passive participle
The past passive participle is normally formed from the perfective verb.

Forms in -нный
The majority of verbs form their past passive participle with the ending
-нный. These include:
(a) Most verbs with the infinitive ending in -ать or -ять, regardless of
conjugation. They replace the -ть of the infinitive by -нный and
include regular 1st conjugation verbs: прочита�ть – прочи�танный
‘read’; потеря�ть – поте�рянный ‘lost’; and the irregular verb дать
and its compounds: прода�ть – про�данный ‘sold’.
(b) 1st conjugation verbs with the infinitive ending in -сти, -зти.
They replace the -ёшь of the second person singular (ты form)
of the future perfective with -ённый: принести� – принесёшь –
принесённый ‘brought’; ввезти� – ввезёшь – ввезённый
‘imported’. Note: найти� – на�йденный ‘found’.
(c) 2nd conjugation verbs with the infinitive ending in -ить or -еть.
They replace the -у, -ю of the first person singular (я form) with
-енный, -ённый: постро�ить – построю� – постро�енный ‘built’;
реши�ть – решу� – решённый ‘decided’. Where 2nd conjugation
verbs have a consonant change in the first person singular (я form)
of the future perfective, the same consonant change will also occur
in the past passive participle: пригото�вить – пригото�влю –
пригото�вленный ‘prepared’; пригласи�ть – приглашу� –
приглашённый ‘invited’; встре�тить – встре�чу – встре�ченный
‘met’. Note the exception: уви�деть – уви�жу – уви�денный ‘seen’.

Forms in –тый
A small number of verbs of the 1st conjugation form their past passive
participle with the ending -тый. These include: закрыть � – закры�тый
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