Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

322 Grammar summary

Verbs ending in -ти� and -чь usually have fixed final stress:
нести� – нёc, несла�, несло�, несли�.
мочь – мог, могла�, могло�, могли�.
There is only one mobile stress pattern. It affects some single syllable
verbs and their compounds. The verbs are stressed on the ending in
the feminine and the stem in the other forms:
жить – жил, жила�, жи�ло, жи�ли.

Other examples include брать, быть, взять, дать, пить, снять.
Note: нача�ть – на�чал, начала�, на�чало, на�чали.

Long form
The stress is always fixed either on the stem or the ending. If it is on
the ending, this will be evident from the masculine nominative singular,
which will end in -о�й. Such adjectives are stressed on the first syllable
of the ending where the ending consists of more than one syllable:
большо�й, большо�го etc.

Short form
There are three main patterns:
1 Stress fixed on the stem: краси�в, краси�ва, краси�во, краси�вы
2 Stress fixed on the ending: хоро�ш, хороша�, хорошо�, хороши�
3 Stress on the ending in the feminine and the stem in the other forms:
прав, права�, пра�во, пра�вы
Some short adjectives have alternative stresses for neuter and plural:
глубо�ко/глубоко�; глубо�ки/глубоки�; го�лодны/голодны�;
ну�жно/нужно�; ну�жны/нужны�
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