Nature 2020 01 30 Part.02

(Grace) #1


Extended Data Fig. 6 | Correct fold identif ication by structural search in
C AT H. Often protein function can be inferred by finding homologous proteins
of known function. Here we show that the FM predictions of AlphaFold give
greater accuracy in a structure-based search for homologous domains in the
CATH database. For each of the FM or TBM/FM domains, the top-one
submission and ground truth are compared to all 30,744 CATH S40 non-
redundant domains with TM-align^53. For the 36 domains for which there is a

good ground-truth match (score > 0.5), we show the percentage of decoys for
which a domain with the same CATH code (CATH in red, CA in green; CAT results
are close to CATH results) as the top ground-truth match is in the top-k matches
with score > 0.5. Curves are shown for AlphaFold and the next-best group (322).
AlphaFold predictions determine the matching fold more accurately.
Determination of the matching CATH domain can provide insights into the
function of a new protein.
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