Mothers and Children. Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe - Elisheva Baumgarten

(Rick Simeone) #1

procreation, 13, 20, 22, 24–30, 33–38, 145–
46, 156, 198n.2
Protestants, 51
Provence, 7, 13, 45, 65, 217n.37
Prum, 37
Puerto Rico, 59, 82
purification, 105, 106–8, 110, 115, 219n.66,
Purim, 100, 131–32, 176

Quakers, 51

Rabbenu Tam. SeeJacob b. Meir
Rachel (the Matriarch), 23, 203n.96
Rachel b. R. Isaac b. Asher, wife of R. Judah,
Rashi. SeeSolomon b. Isaac
Rebecca (the Matriarch), 23, 203n.96
Reformation, 109, 115
Regensburg, 132, 182
Regensburg Pentateuch, 72
Reginus of Prum, 37
remarriage, 29, 124–25, 147–52, 169–72,
185, 223n.27
Rhine Valley, 6, 37, 50
Riché, Pierre, 2
Rieder, Paula, 105–6, 108, 111–12, 219n.64
Rikhz.ena (the midwife), 44
ritual, 9, 13, 16, 19–20, 56, 61–62, 81–82,
85–86, 112, 186–87
Roman society, 125
Rome, 68
Rosh haShana, 23, 39–40
Rothenburg, 203n.125
Rouen, 150
Rubin, Nissan, 55–56

Sa’adiah Gaon, 57
Sabbath, 42, 61, 70, 93, 100, 109, 117–18,
143, 159, 160, 176, 194n.40, 227n.93
Sabbath of the Parturient (Shabbat Yez.iat
haYoledet), 92, 100–105, 110–18
sacrifice, 102–3
Sefer haH.anokhi, 231n.164
saint’s lives, 155
Salernus, 45
Samson, 211n.87
Samson b. Z.adok (Sefer Tashbez.), 71–75, 132
Samson of Couçy, 227n.100
Samson of Falaise, 148, 231n.164
Samson of Sens, 228n.112
Samuel, 178, 215n.7

Samuel b. Meir (Rashbam), 173
Samuel the Pious (H.asid), 163
sandek, 68–70, 80, 211n.72
Sanoi, Sansoi, and Samengloff, 117. See also
Sarah (the Matriarch), 23–24, 182, 203n.96
Schönfraw, (the midwife) 44
Schultz, James, 2
Sefer H.asidim, 14, 17, 24, 27, 29, 40, 42, 51,
70, 72, 84, 93–94, 136–37, 146, 158–63,
165–67, 170–72, 174–76, 234n.59. See
also Judah b. Samuel
Sefer H.uqqei haTorah, 215n.7
Sefer Assaf haRofe, 45–46, 50
Sefer haGematriyot leRabbi Yehuda heH.asid,
Sefer haToladot, 48
Sefer Niz.ah.on Vetus, 27–28, 59, 106
Sefer Or Zaru’a, 98, 135, 137, 142, 150. See
also Isaac b. Moses
Sefer haRokeah., 142. See alsoEleazar b. Judah
Sefer Tashbez., 71–72. See also Samson b.
Sefer Yossipon, 180
Seklin (the midwife), 44
Sergius, 106
servants, 8, 70, 102, 136, 220n.101, 227n.93, Shulamith, 2, 163
Shabbat Yez.iat haYoledet. See Sabbath of the
Shavu’a haBatand Shavu’a haBen,99
shem h.ol, 94–95
Sherira Gaon, 69
shrouds, 118
shushvin, 83–84, 213 nn. 123 and 128
Sifrei Miz.vot, 17, 232n.3
Simeon, 106
Simeon b., 102
Simon b. Isaac b. Abun, 158
Simonsohn, Shlomo, 226n.89
Solomon, 163–64
Solomon b. Aderet (Rashba), 131, 170
Solomon b. Isaac (Rashi), 28, 34–35, 37, 41,
47, 63, 78, 92, 96, 131–32, 139–40, 148,
160, 206n.169, 214n.128, 225n.73
Solomon b. Samson, 182
Soreh bas Toyvim, 104
Spain, 7, 11, 12, 13, 39, 45, 48, 65, 120, 127,
130, 133, 193n.32, 202 nn. 65 and 82,
217n.37, 229n.127
Spiegel, Yaacov S., 65
Speyer, 6, 37, 193n.39

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