Elisha Ben Abuya, 43– 45, 49, 137
Epistle on Astrology (Maimonides), 45,
Epistle on Forced Conversion (Maimo-
nides), 60
Epistles of the Pure Brethren, The, 100
Epistle to Yemen (Maimonides), 25, 27,
41, 120– 21
Equivalence of Proofs, 50n89
exegesis, 73– 78
Farabi, Abu Nasr al-, 16, 28– 29, 29n19,
31, 33, 91n34, 106, 127, 135– 36, 164,
184;On the Changing Beings, 28;
Commentary on the Nicomachean
Ethics, 140; Discourse, 28– 29;
Encyclopedia, 134; Epistle on
Medicine, 134
Fatimids, 9, 16– 17
Fez, 8, 59– 60
forced conversion, 16
forgeries, examination of, 166– 79
fundamentalism, 58
Funkenstein, Amos, 104
Galen, 135– 36
Garden of Eden, as earthly place, 158
Ghayat al-hakim, 100
Ghazali, AbuHamid al-, 9– 10, 25, 44, 54,
69, 123– 24;al-Munqidh min al-dalal,
25–26;Intentions of the Phi losophers,
Goitein, Shlomo Dov, 3, 5– 6, 13
Graetz, Heinrich, 104
Greek philosophy, 12, 28
Guide of the Perplexed (Maimonides),
20, 24, 37– 38, 45, 70, 73, 90– 91, 99,
107–10, 139, 142, 149, 161, 179,
hadhayan, 145– 49
Halevi, Judah, 25, 36, 40, 98, 101n86,
108–9;Kuzari, 25
Harran, 86– 88
Hebrew language, 19– 22
hereafter, demythologizing of, 159– 60
heresies, Islamic, 38– 52
heresies, Jewish, 38– 52
heresy, 39, 121
heretic:min, 38– 52; zindiq, 38– 52
Hippocrates, 133, 135
Hourani, G. F., 106
Husik, Isaac, 33
IbnAbbas, 12
Ibn Abi Usaybia, 30n24, 60, 129; Classes
of Physicians, 28
IbnAdi, Yahya, 29– 31
Ibn al- Jawzi, 144
Ibn al- Qifti, 126, 128– 31, 133
Ibn al- Rawandi, 45– 48, 144
Ibn Bajja, 15– 16, 95, 184– 85
Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 98, 108
IbnHazm, 144
Ibn Qurra, Tabit, 88
Ibn Qutayba, 12
Ibn Rushd, Abul-Walid.See Averroes
(Ibn Rushd)
IbnSaddiq, Joseph, 27, 36
Ibn Sana al- Mulk, 129
Ibn Shimon, Joseph, 14, 18, 36– 37,
57n18, 170; Silencing Epistle on the
Resurrection of the Dead, 166– 79
Ibn Tibbon, Samuel, 24, 27, 30, 97,
IbnTufayl, 16, 184– 85
Ibn Tumart, Muhammed, 53– 55, 61, 68,
77, 81
idolatry, 93– 95, 93n44, 114
immortality of soul, 154– 61
infl uences, importance of, xiii
intellect, 154; permanence of, 164
Iran, Sassanian, 106
Islamic, use of term, 7n25
Islamic context, of Judaeo- Arabic
philosophy, xii
Islamic heretics, 45– 48
Islamickalam (theology), 17, 24– 38;
Ashariyya, 34– 35;Mutazila, 32,
Islamic law, 9– 10, 14; fi qh, 14; madhhab,
Islamic po litical thought, 183
Israeli, Isaac, 27, 49– 50;Book of
Defi nitions, 143; Book of Elements,
Jesus, 43
Jewishkalam, 26– 38; Karaite, 26
(see also Karaite heresy); Rabbanite,
26 (see also Rabbanite Jews)
Jewish law (halacha), xii, 13– 14