Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War

(Kiana) #1
272 Index

Physical appearance, 9
Resignation threats and offers, 89, 92,
94, 200, 203 f., 208, 212 f., 220,
222, 225 f.
Sagan, duchy of, 60 f., 66, 108, 117,
134, 179, 214, 246
Spain, attitude of and to, 99, 115 f.,
124, 127 f., 188–90, 192, 206,
214, 244, 250
Turkish campaign, attitude to, 99 f.,
115, 214


Albrecht II, Archduke of Austria, 14
Aldringer (von Aldringen), Johann,
80, 84, 86, 115, 144, 149, 162 f.,
166, 168, 182, 189, 199–201, 205,
207, 209, 217 f., 222, 234, 241,
244, 249
Anhalt (see under Christian)
Antonius Wolfrath, Bishop of Vienna,
144, 178, 216
Arnim, Hans Georg, 96–8, 100 f., 103,
108, 117, 135, 137, 141 f., 146,
151, 153, 165, 168, 176,
179 f., 185–97

Baden-Durlach (see under Georg)
Balbinus, Father Bohuslaus, 17
Banér, Johan, 158
Bassevi, Jakob, 38, 40
Bavaria (see under Maximilian)
Beck, Johann, 223, 225
Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 163,
166, 173, 175, 180, 182, 190 f.,
199 f., 202, 205 f., 208, 211, 214
f., 222, 224, 232, 237
Bethlen Gabor, Prince of Transylvania,
18, 28, 30, 33, 69, 71–3, 75, 78,
82 f., 86, 89–91, 93, 95, 107, 114,
147, 247
Brahe, Nils, 173
Brandenburg (see under George
Breuner, Johann Philipp, 225 f.
Brunswick (see under Christian)
Bubna, Johann, 183, 185, 211

Bucquoy, Charles Bonaventure de
Longueval, 24, 26, 28–30, 33
Burgau, Margrave of (Ferdinand,
Archduke of Tyrol), 9, 13, 240
Burgsdorff, 186
Butler, Walter, 224–34

Caesar, Julius, 52, 142, 227, 253
Cardinal Infant (Ferdinand,
Archbishop of Toledo), 206–8
Caretto di Grana, Marquis of, 237
Carve, Thomas, 227
Charles I, King of England, 72, 75
Christian I, Prince of
Anhalt-Bernburg, 29, 32, 249
Christian II (the Younger), Prince of
Anhalt-Bernburg, 34
Christian IV, King of Denmark, 1,
61, 74 f., 79, 82 ff., 106 f., 109,
111 f., 116, 121, 124, 135, 139,
227, 247
Christian, Duke of Brunswick
(the ‘mad Halberstädter’), 71,
82 f., 91, 107
Cicero, 142, 235
Collalto, Rombaldo, 91, 113–16, 129,
144, 241
Colloredo, Rudolf, 80, 170 f., 214,
Cologne, Elector and Archbishop of,
62, 125, 142

Dampierre, Henri Duval, 24
Denmark, King of (see under
Christian IV)
Devereux, Walter, 229–34
Dietrichstein, Franz, Cardinal Bishop
of Olmütz, 24, 26, 33 f., 38, 206
Diodati, Fabio, 219, 237
Diodati, Guilio, 221 f., 225, 229
Diwald, Hellmut, 52, 56, 60, 63, 85,
Döblin, Alfred, 241

Eggenberg, Prince Hans Ulrich, 31,
50, 68, 93 f., 132, 135, 138, 144
f., 178, 201, 203, 213, 216, 221,
225, 242
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 54

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