Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War

(Kiana) #1

  1. The battle for the Dessau bridge in 1626, from the Theatrum Europaeum
    The legend to the small letters on the plan reads: A. Imperialist fortifications;
    B. Elbe bridge; C. Imperialist redoubts; D. Mansfeld’s camp; E. Mansfeld’s forti-
    fications; F. Mansfeld’s approach trenches; G. Imperialist approach trenches and
    redoubts; H. Aldringer’s approach trenches; I. Position held against Mansfeld;
    K. Imperialist artillery; L. Mansfeld driven off; M. Imperialist sally; N. Friedland’s
    cavalry on the near side of the river; O. Mansfeld’s cavalry; P. Friedland’s cavalry;
    Q. Mansfeld’s flight; R. Friedland commences pursuit; S. Schlick’s and Aldringer’s
    infantry; Y. The village of Rosslau.
    (bpk Berlin)

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