Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War

(Kiana) #1

List of Illustrations

Maps and plans

  1. The Holy Roman Empire, c.1630 x

  2. The battle at the Alte Veste 159

  3. The battle of Lützen 172


(Between pages 152 and 153)

  1. The old image: ‘Seni predicts Wallenstein’s death’

  2. Wallenstein, aged about 30, c.

  3. Wallenstein, aged about 46, c.

  4. Emperor Ferdinand II, aged about 55, c.

  5. Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria, aged about 60, c.

  6. The battle for the Dessau bridge

  7. The defences at the Alte Veste camp

  8. The murder of Trcˇka, Ilow, Kinsky and Niemann

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