Vision 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1

Born in Sydney Australia on 16th November 1941 – I made it to 82 years – age is just a
number. I was married in 1965 & have three children – two boys & one girl, & lived in
suburban Sydney. My mother influenced me in photography, as she clicked away on
her Kodak Box Brownie. I take photos on my Canon 80D & have fun processing them in
Lightroom. Following my divorce, I moved to Patong Beach Thailand in January 2005,
just two weeks after the Tsunami. My two sons preceded me a few months earlier. They
returned to Sydney & I stayed on enjoying life with my Thai wife. I am a Rotarian since
1987, & continue to be a lifetime honorary member of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach
Phuket Thailand & observe one of the four way test. Service Above Self. Projects resulted
from the Tsunami mainly scholarships for children who had lost one or both parents & a
very successful swimming programme for school children. I was President of the club in
the Rotary Year of 2013-2014.

Denis Carpenter

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