Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

contains a Crucifixion that fills the lunette of the south wall. Although they are by various
artists, all the frescoes

Le Puy, Notre-Dame, cloister.

Photograph courtesy of Whitney S.


are from the first half of the 13th century and reflect Italo-Byzantine stylistic features.
Karen Gould
Thiollier, Noel. “Guide archéologique du Congrès du Puy.” Congrès archéologique (Le Puy) 71
Fikrï, Ahmad. Art roman du Puy et les influences islamiques. Paris: Leroux, 1934.


(d. late 1460s). A member of Philip the Good of Burgundy’s circle, the Picard Raoul
Lefèvre is the author of two romances based on classical materials, the prose Histoire de
Jason (ca. 1460), which uses the Ovide moralisé and Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César as

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