. The Benedictine abbey of Saint-Pierre in Mozac (Puy-de-Dôme), founded in 681 by St.
Calminus and his wife, St. Namadie, was one of the richest in France until the
Reformation, thanks to the transferral here of the relics of St. Austremoine, patron of
Auvergne, in the 8th century. The present church, built for the most part during the 12th
century in the Romanesque style of Auvergne, incorporates an 11th-century tower on the
western façade. The nave and side aisles date from the 12th century and the choir and
wooden choirstalls from the 15th. In the treasury is the reliquary of St. Calminus, the
largest 12th-century Limousin enamelwork reliquary preserved in France (ca. 1168). It
consists of fourteen enamel plaques: on the ends are depicted St. Austremoine and Mary
holding the Child Jesus. Within the church, the capitals are the finest examples of
Romanesque sculpture in Auvergne. One in particular, that representing Christ’s
Resurrection, is notable as an important visual source for 12th-century clothing and
military equipment.
William W.Kibler/William W.Clark
Luzuy, Abbé. “Mozac.” Congrès archéologique (Moulins et Nevers) 80(1913):124–43.
Swiechowski, Zygmunt. Sculpture romane d’Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand: Bussac, 1973.
. Unlike the chanson à refrain, where a single refrain reappears at preestablished
intervals, the roughly one hundred extant songs with multiple or variable refrains consist
of an indeterminate number of stanzas, ranging from two to eight, each followed by a
different borrowed or cited refrain (intertextual repetition). The appearance of each
refrain entails a metrical and melodic break, since all stanzas are sung to the same melody
and have the same rhyme scheme, while each refrain has its own melodic phrase and
versification. Nonetheless, the refrain is often integrated into the stanza through a
transitional line announcing it. More than one-third of all chansons avec des refrains are
classified as pastourelles.
Eglal Doss-Quinby
Doss-Quinby, Eglal. Les refrains chez les trouvères du XIIe siècle au début du XIVe. New York:
Lang, 1984, pp. 96–111.
Medieval france: an encyclopedia 1214