Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

The present Gothic church was begun in the second half of the 13th century but
completed and rebuilt in the

Saint-Riquier at Centula (Somme).

Bottom to top: present church,

excavations tracing Carolingian

church, restored plan of Carolingian

church, restored long section of

Carolingian church. After Durand,

Bernard, Heitz, and Effman.

late 15th and 16th. The spacious plan of a nave with six bays, single aisles, slightly
projecting transept, choir, and ambulatory with nine chapels, as well as parts of the
transept, date from the 13th century. The two-story elevation and multipartite rib vaults
reflect the late Flamboyant Gothic style, as does the west façade, with central tower and
screenlike sculptural decoration.
Karen Gould/E.Ann Matter

Medieval france: an encyclopedia 1598
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