Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Topics, 63, 861
arithmetic, 313, 544–46, 863
arithmetica, 642
Arles, 64–65, 161, 364, 743
Arles, Council of, 558
Arles-sur-Tech, 65–66
Arlette (mother of William the Conqueror), 335
Armagnac, 66
Armagnacs (Armagnac faction), 66–67, 159, 203, 308, 421, 443, 477, 498, 500, 539, 564, 685
armes. See arms (heraldic)
Armeüre du chevalier (Guiot de Provins), 431
armoiries. See arms (heraldic)
armor, 67–68, 246, 496, 509, 622, 915–16, 972
Armorica, 146.
See also Brittany arms (heraldic), 68–69, 445, 641
army, royal, 145, 256, 389.
See also cavalry;
warfare role of archers, 61, 68, 972
compagnies d’ordonnance, 246
role of knights, 94, 269–70, 464, 972, 973
role of major domus, 603
salaried, 200, 466
supported by taxes, 200, 280, 315, 317–18
Arnaud de Vernioles, 458
Arnaud de Villeneuve, 606
Arnaut Daniel, 69–70, 878
Arnaut de Mareuil, 294, 857
Arnold of Brescia, 328
Arnold de Lantins, 248, 306
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait (Jan van Eyck), 946
Arnoul d’Audrehem, 594, 657
Arnulf (archbishop of Reims), 460
Arnulf (Arnulfing-Pippinid family), 615
Arnulf (counts of Flanders), 70
Arnulf I the Great, 70, 162, 348, 798
Arnulf II of Flanders, 70
Arnulf III of Flanders, 70, 348
Arnulf of Lisieux, 70
Arnulf of Metz, 152, 174, 716
Arnulf of Orléans, 687, 906
Arnulf of Soissons, 435
arpent de commun, 974
arpent de Paris, 974
arpent des eaux et foréts, 974
Arras, 70–71, 229, 253, 301, 364, 400, 493, 541, 585, 610, 901, 982
Arras, Jean d’, 71
Arras, Treaty of (1192), 948
Arras, Treaty of (1435), 138, 731, 800
Arrêt de Conflans, 148
Arrêts d’Amour, 85, 773
arrière-ban, 71–72

Index 1882
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