Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

of Geneva, 335
international, 132
Lendit, 335, 699, 897
of Lyon, 571, 919
of Saint-Denis, 335
of Troyes, 933
Faits et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles (Christine de Pizan), 223
Falaise, 313, 335
falconry, 272, 380, 466–67, 608.
See also hawking;
hunting and fowling
“False Christ” of Bourges, 446, 447, 620
family and gender, 828.
See also women
within aristocracy, 335–36
within bourgeoisie, 336–37
within peasantry, 337
famine, 337, 521
Fantasies de Mère Sotte (Pierre Gringore), 420
farce, 98, 337–38, 638, 713, 884, 906
Farce de Maistre Pathelin, 338, 713, 906
farewell poem, 253.
See also congé
farming, 348, 496, 581.
See also agriculture
fashion. See clothing, costume, and fashion
Fastes (Ovid), 687
fasting, 436, 504, 556, 557, 604
fatras/fatrasie, 104, 338
Faustus of Riez, 161, 339, 734
Fauvain (Raoul le Petit), 339
Fauvel, Livres de. See Livres de Fauvel
fauxbourdon, 307, 340
fealty, 340–41, 343, 345, 946
feasts, 291, 299, 461, 513, 557, 597.
See also under specific feasts
Fécamp, 341
Felix V, 251
Felix of Urgel (bishop), 182
females. See women
femme de corps. See homme de corps
Femme qui se voulut abandonner au péché (miracle play), 624
Feoda Campanie, 192
Fergus (Guillaume le Clerc), 74, 75, 467
Ferrand of Portugal, 142, 341, 348, 492
Ferrara-Florence, Council of, 251
Ferri III, 561
Ferrières, Henri de, 341–42, 380, 467
Fet des Romains, 342, 451, 453, 921
feudalism, 343–44
and administration of law and justice, 61, 531
feudal aids, 342–43

Index 1925
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