Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Gwidekijn van Sassen, 508
gynecology, 605
Hadar Zeqenim, 125
Hadewijch, 433
Hadrian I, 548, 553
Haec sancta synodus, 250, 859
hagiography, 356, 366, 433–37, 855–56
of Alcuin, 23
demise of, 769
of Hucbald of Saint-Amand, 459
influence of Pseudo-Turpin, 769
legend of Robert le Diable, 806
and Martin of Tours, 595
of Saint-Denis, 453
and Sigebert de Gembloux, 880
in vernacular, 854
Haimo of Auxerre, 47, 437–38, 439, 793
Haimo of Halberstadt, 437
Hainaut, 87, 99, 199, 341, 348, 374, 438
hairstyles, 236, 237, 238
hammer (weapon), 68
hammers, water-powered, 622
handguns. See firearms
Harcourt, 438
hares, 466
Harfleur, 443
Hariulf of Saint-Riquier, 399, 435
Harley Gospels, 174
harnesses, 924
harp, 483, 647, 648, 651, 652
Harun al-Rashid, 59, 607
Hasprois, 247
Hastings, Battle of, 670
hauberk, 67, 145, 972
Haucourt, 247
Haut livre du Graal, 719.
See also Perlesvaus
haut passage, 282.
See also customs duties
Hautefort, 117
hawking, 574.
See also falconry;
hunting and fowling;
Hawkwood, John, 145
Hayne van Ghizeghem, 157, 248, 438–39
head tax, 876.
See also taxes
healers, 605, 982
healing centers, 740
healing powers, 357, 569, 728, 865
health care, 439, 605–7.
See also physicians

Index 1939
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