Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Jeanne d’Évreux, 201, 328
Jeanne of Flanders, 87, 143, 486
Jeanne de France, 486
Jeanne of France (saint), 140
Jeanne de Laval, 795
Jeanne of Navarre, 193, 328, 477, 492–93, 567–68, 592, 661, 728, 909
Jeanne de Penthièvre, 204, 422, 486
Jeanne-Marie de Maillé, 437, 853, 984, 985
Jeannet d’Estouteville, 592
Jehan le Teinturier d’Arras, 544
Jehan Bodel, 75, 253, 269, 333, 493–94, 508, 541, 624, 811–12, 905
Jehan Bonnet, 472, 494
Jehan Bretel, 6, 494, 495, 931, 961
Jehan des Murs, 72, 316, 484, 494–95, 645, 650
Jehan le Vaillant de Poitiers, 74
Jehan Vaillant, 213
Jehan et Blonde (Philippe de Beaumanoir), 103, 104, 494, 783, 813
Jehan de Lanson, 508
Jehan de Paris, Roman de, 104, 494
Jehan de Saintré (Antoine de la Sale), 514
jentaculum, 604
Jerome (saint), 47, 121, 126, 129, 294, 595, 620
earliest Christian pilgrimages to, 740
and First Crusade, 278
Foulques V as king of, 362
Latin Kingdom of, 199, 274, 275, 278, 732
ruled by Godefroi de Bouillon, 397
ruled by Gui de Lusignan, 570
shrines in, 854
Jesse of Amiens, 553
Jeu d’Adam, 37, 495, 887, 905
Jeu de la feuillée (Adam de la Halle), 5, 905
Jeu de Robin et Marion (Adam de la Halle), 5
Jeu de saint Nicolas (Jehan Bodel), 493, 624, 905
Jeu du Prince des Sots et Mère Sotte (Pierre Gringore), 420, 884
jeux-partis, 494, 495, 932
jewelry, 238, 495–96, 550, 558, 611.
See also metalworking
Jewish Antiquities (Josephus), 722
Jewish-Christian polemics, 124
Jews, 496–97
and anti-Semitism, 50–51, 237, 449, 567, 620, 726, 934
clothing of, 237–39
expulsion of, 497, 728, 934, 942
and Fourth Lateran Council, 237
in Holy Land and Mediterranean, 276
interpretation of Scriptures by, 123–26, 461
liturgical poetry of, 497
massacre of during Crusades, 496
massacre of in Rhineland, 496
mercantile activities of, 610

Index 1952
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