Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Louviers, 404, 568–69
Louviers, Treaty of, 396
Louvre, 547, 703, 705
love poetry, 186, 332, 524, 527, 573
Love-Council of Remiremont, 687
Loveris. See Louviers
Loyset Compère, 248
Lucan, 921, 989
Lucidaire (Gillebert de Cambres), 637
Lucienne de Rochefort (wife of Louis VI), 565
Luçon, 569
Ludus Danielis, 907
Ludus de Antichristus, 47
Luitgard of Aywières, 436, 569
Lull, Ramon, 61, 493, 735
Lumere as lais (Peter of Peckham), 638, 37
Lunettes des princes (Jean Meschinot), 412, 614
Lupus of Ferrières, 439, 569–70
Lupus of Troyes, 541
Lusignan, 71, 570
lute, 648, 651, 652
Lutece, 698.
See also Lutetia
Lutetia, 698
Luxembourg, 570–71
Luxeuil, 298, 583, 611, 628, 691, 734
“Luxeuil minuscule,” 691
Lydia (Arnulf of Orléans), 906
Lymon et la terre, 638
Lyon, 301, 335, 354, 571, 740, 919, 942
Lyon, Councils of, 107, 474
Lyon couronné, 411
lyre, 647
Lys, convent of, 260
Macaire ou la reine Sebile, 366, 508–9
mace (weapon), 68
Macé de la Charité, 53, 128, 724
Macedonia, 25
Machaut, Guillaume de, 573–74
and anagrams, 31
and Ars Nova, 72, 247, 650
association with Eustache
Deschamps, 293
cited in poetic treatises, 77
and courtly love, 267
Dit du vergier, 949
dits amoureux of, 298
and Énéas, 962
and formes fixes, 361
influence on Pierre Bersuire, 116
influenced by Dit de la Panthère (d’amours), 587
influenced by Roman de la Rose, 822

Index 1966
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