Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

master surgeon. See surgeons and surgery
Matfre Ermengaud, 294, 317, 472, 601–2, 637
mathematics, 59, 390, 494, 642, 684, 735, 863.
See also liberal arts
Mathematicus (Bernard Silvestris), 113
Matheo da Perugia, 247
Matheolus, 47
Matheus de Sancto Johanne, 73, 247, 602
Mathieu (of Montmorency), 531, 634
matiere, 220
Matilda (countess of Anjou), 42, 362, 390, 441, 442, 460, 602, 670
Matilda (wife of William the Conqueror), 159, 975
Matins, 164, 299
Matter of Britain, 811–12, 926
Matter of France, 811–12
Matter of Rome, 811–12
Matthew of Aquasparta, 602–3
Matthew Paris, 37
Matthieu d’Arras, 404, 603
Matthieu d’Escouchy, 154, 454
Matthieu de Vendôme, 113, 488, 545, 906, 949
Maubuisson, 260
Maugis d’Aigremont, 508, 525
Maunday Thursday, 556
Maurice de Sully, 603, 673, 753
Maximilian of Habsburg, 352, 364, 392
Maximus the Confessor, 321, 330, 735
Mayenne. See Laval
mayor of the palace, 603–4, 612, 616, 716
mead (beverage), 120
meals, 604.
See also food
measles, 297
“measurable music,” 684.
See also musica mensurabilis
measured music, 484. See musica mensurata
measures, 974, 980.
See also weights and measures
meats, 261, 295, 360, 604
Meaux, 387, 604–5
Meaux-Paris, Treaty of, 22, 27, 131, 635, 841
mechanical arts, 461, 863
mechanics, 684
medical practice and practitioners, 605–6
medical texts, 59, 606–7
and Black Death, 130
classification as mechanical art, 863
classification as science, 863
discussed in Didascalicon, 544
faculties of, 939
and folk practices, 356

Index 1972
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