Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Mystère de saint Martin (André de La Vigne), 515
Mystère de saint Quentin (Jean Molinet), 652
Mystère des Actes de Apôtres (Simon Greban), 414, 455, 906
Mystère du roy Advenir (Jean du Prier), 96
Mystère du siège d’Orléans, 833
mystery plays, 252, 585, 616, 623, 652, 710, 711, 887, 906
Mystical Theology (Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite), 768
mysticism, 652–55
and Bernard of Clairvaux, 112–13
and Bonaventure, 134
as challenge to ecclesiastical authority, 750
and Henry of Langenstein, 444
of Hugh of Saint-Victor, 461
and Jean de Fécamp, 487
and Jean Gerson, 392
Jewish, 125
and Marguerite Porete, 588
of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 767–68
and religious experience of women, 983–86
role of in philosophy, 734
stages of advancement in, 653
in writings of Hadewijch, 433
writings of Richard of Saint-Victor on, 799
Na Prous Boneta, 750, 983, 985, 986
nacaires (musical instrument), 647
Naissance du chevalier au Cygne, 274
Nájera, 195, 315, 657
names. See personal names
Nancy, 657
Nancy, Battle of, 296, 657
Nantes, 364, 404, 657–58
Nanteuil Cycle, 91, 196, 525, 658–59, 926
Narbonnais, 429, 659
Narbonne, 91, 301, 365, 431, 521, 659–60, 678, 679, 918, 956
Narcisse, 515, 688, 689
narrative-didactic poetry. See didactic literature
Nativitas (Pérotin), 720
Nativity (Marian feast day), 596, 597
Nativity Cycle, 557
natural magic, 576, 577, 864.
See also magic
naval power, 660–61.
See also ships and shipping
Navigatio sancti Brendani, 108.
See also Voyage de saint Brendan
navigational instruments. See astronomical and navigational instruments
Near East, Latin kingdoms in, 361
necklaces, 236
necromancy, 577, 592, 661–62.
See also magic
Neoplatonism, 744.
See also Plato, influence of

Index 1980
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