Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

of the Mass, that is, the prayer of the priest leading up to the Sanctus. Late in the Middle
Ages, this melody was also adapted to another lengthy solo chanted by a deacon, the
announcement of the dates of the movable feasts that took place at the bishop’s Mass on
Epiphany, January 6.
Peter Jeffery
Baroffio, Bonifazio, Marco Carminati, Marco Gemmani, and Antonello Lazzerini, eds. Exsultet: la
chiesa canta la sua fede: codici e partiture musicali dal VI al XVIII secolo. Rimini: Meeting per
l’Amicizia fra i Popoli, 1990.
Combe, Pierre-Marie. “L’exultet au cœur de la vigile pascale à Lyon.” Études grégoriennes 10
Décréaux, Joseph. “Louange de l’abeille dans le sacramentaire carolingien d’Autun.” In Memoriam
sanctorum venerantes: miscellanea in onore di Monsignor Victor Saxer. Vatican City:
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, 1992, pp. 239–43.
Pinell, Jordi M. “La benediccio’ del ciri pasqual i els seus textos.” In Liturgica: Cardinali I.
Schuster in memoriam. 2 vols. Montserrat, 1956–58, Vol. 2, pp. 1–119.

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