Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Bossuat, Robert. “Florent et Octavien, chanson de geste du XIVe siècle.” Romania 73(1952):289–
Krappe, Alexandre H. “Florent et Octavien.” Romania 65(1939): 359–73.


(d. ca. 860). Deacon and teacher at the cathedral school of Lyon, Florus studied under
Leidradus and became a noted exegete, known especially for such catenae as his
composite of Augustine on the Pauline epistles. Florus supported the rights of the
deposed bishop Agobard in 835 and opposed Amalarius of Metz at the Synod of Quierzy
in 838. He also played a part in disputes with Gottschalk and Johannes Scottus Eriugena,
in both cases supporting Rabanus Maurus.
E.Ann Matter
Florus. [Works in] PL 119, 121; MGH PLAC 2.509–66, Stegmüller RB 2.2274–79.
Charlier, C. “Les manuscrits personnels de Florus de Lyon et son activité littéraire.” In Mélanges
E.Podechard. Lyon: Facultés Catholiques, 1945, pp. 71–84.
——. “La compilation augustinienne de Florus sur l’apôtre: sources et authenticité.” Revue
bénédictine 57(1947):132–86.
Fransen, I. “Les commentaires de Bède et de Florus sur l’apôtre et saint Césaire d’Arles.” Revue
bénédictine 65(1955):262–66.
Wilmart, André. “Sommaire de l’exposition de Florus sur les épîtres.” Revue bénédictine


. The last of the great fiefs of the Midi to be restored to the crown, the county of Foix was
also one of the last to be created during the Middle Ages. The town and castle of Foix,
noted as early as the 7th century, formed part of the large county of Comminges-
Couserans. A partition of the inheritance of Count Roger le Vieux in 1002 left the
territory of Foix to a cadet, Bernard-Roger, whose sons Roger I (d. 1064) and Pierre-
Bernard (r. 1064–70) ultimately assumed the title count of Foix. The domains of the
counts included the cities of Foix and Pamiers, the towns of Lézat, Saverdun, and
Mazères to the north and Tarascon, Lordat, and Aix-les-Termes to the south. During the
Albigensian Crusade, Count Raymond-Roger, whose sister Esclarmonde sheltered and
assisted heretics at Pamiers, was a determined enemy of Simon de Montfort. With the
elimination of the viscounts Trencavel and the extinction of the house of Toulouse, Foix
emerged in the mid-13th century as the most important independent fief in lower

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