Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chodorow, Stanley. Christian Political Theory and Church Politics in the Mid-Twelfth Century:
The Ecclesiology of Gratian’s Decretum. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972.
Kuttner, Stephan. Harmony from Dissonance: An Interpretation of Medieval Canon Law. Latrobe:
Archabbey, 1955.
Noonan, John. “Gratian Slept Here: The Changing Identity of the Father of the Systematic Study of
Canon Law.” Traditio 35(1979):145–72.


(d. before 1473). Author of a well-known Mystère de la Passion, Greban was born in Le
Mans and studied theology at the University of Paris. From 1450 to 1455, he lived in the
cloister of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, where he was organist and master of the
choirboys. It was here that he wrote his Passion play, probably in 1450–52. This work is
set in the framework of the Procès de Paradis, first introduced by Eustache Marcadé, and
its 35,000 lines are divided into four playing days. Despite its variety of styles (sermons,
debates, lamentations) and moods (solemn in Heaven, comic in Hell, pathetic in torture
scenes), the play exhibits a strong unity. Greban employs many poetic forms and
punctuates the action throughout with music. The life of Jesus is presented against the
background of a cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil. This conflict is
introduced in the first scenes, where Lucifer rebels against God then out of envy tempts
Adam and Eve to fall from grace. Greban’s Passion was played three times in Paris
before 1473. It served as the basis for Jean Michel’s Passion play and was adapted for
production in a number of other cities.
Alan E.Knight
Greban, Arnoul. Le mystère de la Passion, ed. Omer Jodogne. 2 vols. Brussels: Palais des
Académies, 1965–83.
Champion, Pierre. Histoire poétique du quinzième siècle. 2 vols. Paris: Champion, 1923, Vol. 2, pp.


(d. 1473). Presumed author, perhaps in collaboration with his brother Arnoul, of the
Mystère des Actes des Apôtres, a dramatization in 62,000 lines of the biblical book of
Acts. By a complex interweaving of scenes, Greban presents parallel lives of the Apostles
dispersed in many countries. He adds many legendary events and spectacular scenes of
miracles, martyrdoms, and shipwrecks. The play had complete performances at Bourges
in 1536 and Paris in 1541.
Alan E.Knight

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