EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

102 / 103

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In order to allow us to continuously support our activities and programs on the one

hand and our members from developing countries on the other, we need to raise

additional funds. That is the main reason why we have established the Club of Donors.

The overall aim of the Club of
Donors is to support dedicated
projects enabling the further
development of University Sport
in Europe. In 2023, the fund was
again dedicated to the support
of the Ukrainian National
University Sports Association,
their universities and student

With all the donations being
made, through the Solidarity
Fund, athletes were able
to come and participate in
the European Universities
Championships and have
the opportunity to compete
and continue participating in
university sport, no matter the

Through these funds, 223
student athletes were able
to join 11 competitions,
competing in 3x3 basketball,
badminton, beach handball,
beach volleyball, football, futsal,
combat sports (judo, karate,
kickboxing and taekwondo)
and orienteering, throughout
different cities in Europe.

In 2023, EUSA as organisation,
together with its employees
and other members of the
EUSA family, managed to
contribute and help with faster
recovery of the affected flooded
areas in Slovenia, aiming for
the reconstruction of sports

In 2024, the Club of Donors
will continue to contribute to
our development fund which
over the last decade has made
over 100.000 EUR of funding
available. These funds will
mainly give a helping hand to
developing active members of
EUSA and to members with no
or low participation in EUSA
events in the past 2 years.

With the success of this act of
solidarity, we would like to take
the opportunity, and thank all
our donors for their support and
help, to move university sport
forward, to show solidarity and
to give a hand to young athletes
to practise sport and build their
sports careers, when needed.

EUSA will continue its policy
to support the developing
member National University
Sports Associations also in
2024, especially in the field of
supporting participation in EUSA
Events. The development fund
was prepared in cooperation
with the Organising Committee
of the European Universities
Games 2024 Debrecen-Miskolc.
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