EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1



The Micro Learning Entrepreneurship for Athletes (MLEA) project addresses

the collaborative partnership priority to promote education in and through

sport with a special focus on skills development, as well as support the

implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes.

The project developed a tailor-
made, modular curriculum
on entrepreneurship for
athletes and former athletes.
All the curriculum’s modules
are delivered by academic
experts, and they are recorded.
Educational material follows
the micro-learning approach to
help athletes make the most
of their time and achieve their
educational goals.

MLEA integrated gamification
elements to increase athlete’s
engagement and enables
online microlearning on
demand by offering bite-
sized, small learning units
with the necessary amount of
information to help athletes
achieve their goals. The project
is extremely important for
all professional athletes and
focuses on the development
of their Dual Careers and time

After the successful
implementation of many

working activities and outputs
of the MLEA project in 2022,
as well as productive and
successful project meetings,
in the beginning of 2023, this
project came to its conclusion.

The last MLEA transnational
meeting was held in Zagreb
on 13th March 2023, where
the team have made a
recapitulation of the previous
two years, reviewing the
intellectual outputs that were
produced and the lessons

The final conference was
then held on the 14th of March
in Aula Magna conference
hall of the Zagreb School of
Economics and Management,
where the conclusion of the
MLEA project was presented
and many discussions about
the importance of Dual career,
education and entrepreneurship
in sports were made.

At this conference, Dubravka
Kovacevic, coordinator of the

MLEA project, shared the
background of the partners,
the goals and the results
around the project, as well
as the reason and the idea
behind the realisation of the
project itself; Martin Carlson-
Wall from Stockholm School
of Economics, gave a short
recap and explanation of the
analysis, the studies and the
scientific data around which
the project and its outputs are
build; Sascha Schmidt from
WHU, gave an explanation of
the Canvas model, incorporated
in the online modules, as one
of the outputs of the project,
the structure on which are
the modules based, the steps
incorporated in this model,
the corelation of every step in
building your own business idea
and the benefit of following each
part; Mirna Korican Lajtman was
then presenting the gamified
platform where the modules are
going to be based, the way the
platform will function, the steps
of the course, the details about

each of the modules, the scoring
mode, as well as the rewarding
process after the course is

The project is coordinated by
Zagreb School of Economics
and Management (CRO), with
project partners including the
Croatian Olympic Committee
(CRO), Stiftelsen Stockholm
School of Economics Institute
for Research (SWE), WHU –
Otto Beisheim School of
Management (GER), Olympic
Committee of Bosnia (BOS),
Olympic Committee of Serbia
(SRB), Olympic Committee
of Slovenia (SLO) and the
EUSA Institute (SLO). The
MLEA project is co-funded by
Erasmus+ Programme of the
European Union.



for more information

Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
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