EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1



Electoral Assemblies

At the Executive Board meeting
of the Croatian Academic
Sports Association (HASS),
held on February 1, the new
Sports Director, Jelena Matesic,
and Secretary General, Nikola
Vincetic, were voted and

Both, Mr Vicentic and Ms
Matesic, are people who know
the system and work of the
Croatian Academic Sports
Association very well, since they
have been working in it for over
10 years and have organized
over 30 international university
events, including the European
University Games Zagreb-Rijeka
2016 and many European
Universities Championships.

On February 17, the Albanian
Federation of University Sport
held its second Electoral
Assembly. The representatives
of the governing bodies of
the Albanian Federation of
University Sport, expressed
their free vote, reconfirming
the election for the position of
President of AFUS, Besnik Veliu,
for another 4-year mandate. The
members of the AFUS board
were also voted on, and Klea
Taipllari was newly appointed
as the Secretary General of the

The Sports Students’ Union
of Ukraine, an EUSA Member,
held its General Assembly
on May 22nd in Kyiv, with the
participation of representatives
of the authorities and the sports
community – both in presence
and online.

In an open vote, the Rector
of the National University of
Physical Education and Sports
of Ukraine, Prof. Ievgeniy Imas,
was re-elected President of
the Ukrainian Student Sports
Union for the next 5 years.
The Vice Presidents—Dniprov
Serhiiovych, Kulikov Musiyovych,
Mazaraki Antonovyc, Krysovaty
Igorevych—Secretary General
Vadym Stetsenko, and members

of the Executive Committee of
the Union were also elected.

The Confederation Board of
the Norwegian Association of
University Sports has chosen
to hire Atle Rolstadaas as the
association’s new General
Secretary, starting from 1st
July. Mr Rolstadaas comes
from the position of adviser
in the union, and has, among
other things, been decisive in
the work to make aktivCampus
a national concept, as well as
being involved in the sports
organization at various levels
since 2007.

The Israel Academic Sports
Association (ASA) held its
General Assembly on June 21,
2023, at the Lewinsky-Wingate
Institute, with the participation
of the representatives of all
academic institutions and
universities members of ASA

At the General Assembly, Ilan
Kowalsky from Reichman
University was elected Vice-
President and Treasurer.

The General Assembly of
the Finnish Student Sports
Federation (OLL) has elected
Mio Kortelainen, from Laurea
University of Applied Sciences,
as President for 2024.

The new vice chairs of OLL,
who were elected as well as the
new President at the General
Assembly in Tampere which
ended on November 9, are
Tomas Kurenniemi from Aalto
University and Marika Uusi-
Illikainen from the University
of Jyväskylä. The meeting
gathered many representatives
from student unions and
universities’ sports services in
both Tampere and remotely
around Finland.
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