EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1

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National university
sport events

University Games,
championships and intervarsity
events were held in Australia,
Fiji, Guam, New Caledonia,
Northern Marianas and Papua
New Guinea. Over 12,000
students participated in
university sport competitions
across the region, with the
following countries awarding
overall champions for university
sport in their specific country:
The University of Sydney (AUS),
the University of Canterbury
(NZL), and the University of
South Pacific (FJI).

International Day of
University Sport (IDUS)

IDUS activities continue to
increase as more students in the
region become aware of the day.
Held annually on 20 September,
IDUS provides a platform to
celebrate university sport and
its impact on students and the
wider university community.
Activities across Oceania

  • Fiji hosted the annual Fiji
    Inter Tertiary Games in the
    week of IDUS. Over 3,500
    students from more than five
    universities and other tertiary
    institutions took part in over
    10 sport competitions.

  • The Marshall Islands used
    IDUS as a platform to
    promote the value of sport
    volunteering to local College
    students, with the main focus

being on the upcoming Pacific
Mini Games.

  • New Caledonia held a
    workshop for students
    focusing on discovering
    new sports, through trying
    traditional and urban sports
    such as: traditional cricket,
    teqball, quatch, breakdance
    and skateboarding.

  • New Zealand held activities
    across all eight universities
    with events including fitness
    challenges, club activations,
    sports competitions, sausage
    sizzles, have-a-go sessions
    in both traditional and new
    emerging sports, free fitness
    classes, erg competitions,
    photo competitions, surveys
    and social media promotions
    relating to sport.

  • Northern Mariana Islands
    hosted their 4th annual
    celebration of IDUS involving
    college students and the
    community in sports such as
    athletics, ultimate frisbee,
    volleyball, soccer and
    University World Cup
    qualifying events –
    3x3 basketball
    In 2023, FISU Oceania held its
    qualifying tournament in person,
    making it the first sporting event
    ever held by our Federation.
    Thanks to the gracious support
    of the host university, Auckland
    University of Technology, the
    event was a success despite last
    minute travel issues preventing
    some teams from attending. In
    total, five men teams and four

women teams competed, with
the winning team selected to
represent the region at the
2023 3x3 University World Cup.

The teams selected to attend
the University World Cup 3x3 in
2023 were: University of Sydney
AUS (men); Monash University*
(men); University of Sydney AUS
(women); Lincoln University
NZL* (women).

University World Cup
qualifying events – Football
The University World Cup
Football was held in October

  1. With New Zealand and
    Australia, the only countries
    holding a national football
    tournament, the winners
    of the men’s and women’s
    competitions in each country
    played one game, with the
    winner going on to represent
    the region at the 2023 University
    World Cup Football.

The teams selected to attend
the University World Cup
Football in 2023 were: University
of Auckland NZL (men); Western
Sydney University* AUS (men)
and University of Sydney AUS

Oceania student-athletes at
the FISU University Games
Oceania was represented by 29
student-athletes from Australia
for the Lake Placid Winter
University Games in January

  1. The team finished with
    four top-ten finishes in the
    Alpine Skiing disciplines.

Chengdu 2021 World
University Games Summer
At the 2021 World University
Games held in Chengdu, China,
from July 28 to August 8, 2023,
Oceania was represented by 98
student-athletes from Australia
and one student-athlete from
Fiji, with Australian student-
athletes achieving medals in
Athletics and Water Polo.

FISU Volunteer Leaders
Academy (FVLA)
Four Oceania students, Demi
Fittler, Alexandra Chua, Stella
Rose Lay and Mckayla Little,
graduated from the FVLA
program in 2023. These
students have since taken on
leadership roles with their
Federation and FISU Oceania,
as well as working at the

campus level to further promote
university sport opportunities
both locally and internationally.

FISU Oceania General

The 2023 General Assembly
for FISU Oceania was held
in November in Geneva,
Switzerland, where members
elected a new Executive
Committee for the mandate
period December 2023 –
November 2027). The five
elected Executive Committee
members were: Mr David
Schmude from Australia –
President, Ms Amy Sasser from
the Marshall Islands – Vice
President, Ms Denise Myers
from the Northern Mariana
Islands, Mr Karl Whalen from
New Zealand and Mr Eric
Michalak from New Caledonia.

The following persons were
appointed to the Executive
Committee: Mr Martin Doulton
from Australia (FISU Senior
Executive Committee Member),
Ms Donna Spethman from
Australia (FISU Oceania
Secretary General), and Ms
Demi Fittler from Australia
(student representative).

FISU Oceania is proud to be
the only FISU Continental
University Sport Federation with
equal gender representation of
50% female / 50% male on its
Executive Committee.

Looking forward to

As our Federation moves into
2024, our key focus will be
to meet specific targets set
against our strategic plan.
In addition, we will deliver
events and programs with
our MOU partners and FISU.
We look forward to continue
working with our National
University Sport Federations to
further increase the impact of
university, college and tertiary
sport in the Oceania region.

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