EUSA Year Magazine 2023-2024

(eusaunisport) #1





The elected EUSA Executive Committee, which is responsible for the

organisation’s good governance and executions of decisions taken by the

General Assembly, met in 2023 in person twice, to coordinate and review the

work done by the association and to ensure its progressive path forward.

Split (CRO)

May 12-13, 2023

Executive Committee members
of the European University
Sports Association (EUSA), key
office members and invited
delegates met on May 12 and
13 in the second-largest town in
Croatia – Split.

EUSA Family members were
welcomed by the representatives
of the hosts – the President of
the Croatian Academic Sports
Federation (CASF/HASS) Haris
Pavletic, and the Rector of the
University of Split, Dragan Ljutic

at the time of the traditional St
Duje Regatta.

After the reception and
meeting with the Rector, the
EUSA Executive Committee
commenced its meeting in the
Senate room of the University
of Split. At the end of the first
working day, the participants
attended the opening ceremony
of the 21st Rowing Regatta St
Duje, held at the Diocletian’s
Palace in the city centre.

The second working day was
held at the Technological Park
of the University of Split, where

the EUSA Executive Committee
meeting continued. The content
part of the meeting started with
EUSA President Adam Roczek
and Secretary General Matjaz
Pecovnik giving an overview
of recent activities, followed
by more detailed reports per
topics and sectors. After, the
EUSA Treasurer, Francis Ciranni
presented the financial reports
and accounts for 2022 and the
provisional budget for 2023,
as well as the report for the
first three months of this year.
EUSA Executive Committee
again confirmed its support for
Ukraine. EUSA again opened

its solidarity fund in order to
support Ukrainian participation
in sports and educational events
this year.

EUSA Secretary General, Matjaz
Pecovnik and Sports Manager,
Miha Zvan presented the report
of the European Universities
Championships 2023, as well
as preparations for the 2025
editions. The records of numbers
in registration for championships
2023, the first edition of
the winter championship
in Val Di Zoldo in Italy, and
European Universities Games
Debrecen-Miskolc 2024 were
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