Cruelty and Vengeance

(Isra-이스라) #1

you doubted my words, right? Then it's time to make sure of
the truth of my words, you bastard!" And her words rose,
imbued with strength, defiance, and harshness, carrying the
revolution against injustice, between justice and injustice.

Amidst the gripping scene of conflict between them, and their
exchanged words like swords in a battlefield, things seemed to
be heading towards an open-ended ending, where victory lies
with whoever can withstand more against the hordes of
injustice and corruption.

But with a glimpse of decisive determination and blazing
courage in her eyes, Luna approached Taiyang with steady
steps, who held the gun between his hands, trying to stand
firm against the storm of anger embodied in her. The
atmosphere was charged with tension; everything around them
was clear as a thrilling cinematic scene, as if time had stopped
for a moment to give them a chance to act.

With caution and caution, Luna approached, her eyes sparkling
with determination and resolve, as she watched his movements
closely, waiting for the right moment to act. When she reached
a safe distance, she seized the opportunity when he seemed

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