Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Grabmann, Martin. “La scuola tomistica italiana nel sec. XIII e
principio del XIV sec.” Rivista di Filosofi a Neoscolastica, 5,
1923, pp. 120–127.
Laurenti, Maria Cristina. “Tommaso e Tolomeo da Lucca ‘com-
mentatori’ di Aristotele.” Sandalion, 8–9, 1985–1986, pp.
Panella, Emilio. “Priori di Santa Maria Novella di Firenze 1221–
1325.” Memorie Domenicane, 17, 1986, pp. 256–266.
——. “Livio in Tolomeo da Lucca.” Studi Petrarcheschi, 6, 1989,
pp. 43–52.
——. “Rilettura del De operibus sex dierum di Tolomeo dei
Fiadoni da Lucca.” Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 63,
1993, pp. 51–111.
Rubenstein, Nicolai. “Marsilius of Padua and Italian Political
Thought of His Time.” In Europe in the Late Middle Ages,
ed. J. L. Hale, J. R. L. Highfi eld, and B. Smalley. London:
Faber and Faber, 1965, pp. 44–75.
Schmeidler, Bernhard. “Studien zu Tholomeus von Lucca, 1, Die
Annalen oder Gesta Tuscorum des Tholomeus.” Neues Archiv,
33, 1908a, pp. 287–308..
——. “Studien zu Tholomeus von Lucca, 2, Gesta Lucanorum
des Tholomeus.” Neues Archiv, 33, 1908b, pp. 308–343.
——. “Studien zu Tholomeus von Lucca, 3, Zur Wiederherstel-
lung der Gesta Florentinorum des Tholomeus.” Neues Archiv,
34, 1909, pp. 725–756.
Schmugge, Ludwig. “Zur Überlieferung der Historia Ecclesias-
tica nova des Tholomeus von Lucca.” Deutsches Archiv für
Erforschung des Mittelalters, 32, 1976, pp. 495–545.
——. “Kanonistik und Geschichtsschreibung.” Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Ab-
teilung, 99, 1982, pp. 219–276.
——. “Fiadoni, Bartholomeo.” In Dizionario biografi co degli
Italiani, Vol. 47. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana,
1997, pp. 317–320.
Taurisano, Innocenzo M. I domenicani in Lucca. Lucca: Baroni,
1914, pp. 59–76.
Witt, Thomas. “König Rudolf von Habsburg und Papst Nikolaus
III. ‘Erbreichsplan’ und ‘Vierstaatenprojekt’ insbesondere bei
Tholomeus von Lucca, Humbert of Romans, und Bernard
Gui.” Dissertation, Göttingen, 1957.
Charles T. Davis

PUCELLE, JEAN (d. 1334)
An artist documented as producing the seal of the
confraternity of Saint-Jacques-aux-Pèlerins in Paris
between 1319 and 1324 and whose name appears
in marginal notes along with two other illuminators
in the Belleville Breviary (B.N. lat. 10483–84), dated
1323–26. His name is also mentioned with two other
illuminators in the Bible written by Robert de Billyng
(B.N. lat. 11935), and inventory entries of the collection
of John, duke of Berry, have suggested that between
1325 and 1328 he made the book known as the Heures
de Jeanne d’Évreux (New York, The Cloisters) with
miniatures and marginalia in grisaille. The styles of
the miniatures in these manuscripts, however, are all
different, and their authorship is the subject of ongoing
controversy. At best, one can speak of a “Pucelle style”
that manifests a new sense of three-dimensionality in
modeled fi gures and architectural space in manuscripts
produced for the royal court in the second quarter of
the 14th century.
See also John, Duke of Berry

Further Reading
The Hours of Jeanne d’Évreux Queen of France, intro. James
J. Rorimer. 2nd ed. New York: Metropolitan Museum of
Art, 1965.
Blum, Rudolf. “Jean Pucelle et la miniature Parisienne du XlVe
siècle.” Scriptorium 3 (1949): 211–17.
Deuchler, Florens. “Jean Pucelle—Facts and Fictions.” Metro-
politan Museum of Art Bulletin 29 (1971): 253–56.
Morand, Kathleen. Jean Pucelle. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962. [With
Robert G. Calkins


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