Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Old Crow, 83
Petrarca, Francesco, 81, 82, 83, 84, 521
in public life, 82
in Ravenna, 81
reviving classical arts, 83
Teseida delle nozze di Emilia, 80
on women, 83
Boethius de Dacia, 85–86
Alfred the Great, 28–29
philosopher, 85–86
theory of knowledge and science, 86
Bohemond of Taranto, 86–87
attacking Byzantium, 87
crusades, 86–87
treaty with Alexius, 87
Boleslav Chrobry, Duke, 622
Bolingbroke, Henry, 566
Bonagiunta Orbicciani Degli Averardi, 87–88
Dante Alighieri, 87–88
jurist, 87–88
poet, 87–88
Bonaguisi family, 435
Bonaventura Berlinghieri, 88–89
painter, 88–89
Bonaventure, Saint, 355
Apologia pauperum, 89
author, 89–90
Legenda maior, 625
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 222–223
Franciscan order, 89–90
Life of Francis, 89
theologian, 89–90
Boniface VIII, Pope, 90–91
accession to papacy, 90–91
asserted supremacy of papal authority, 90
canon law, 91
Clement V, Pope, 143
Colonna family, 91
invalidating Celestine’s appointments, 91
last great monarch-pope, 90
Patris aeterni, 91
Philip IV the Fair, King of France, 90, 91, 527
taxation of clergy, 91
Unam sanctam, 91
Vilanova, Arnau de, 646
Book of Discussion and Conversation (Moses Ibn Ezra),
Book of Margery Kempe (Margery Kempe), 391–392
Book of the Duchess (Geoffrey Chaucer), 132
Book of the Treasure (Brunetto Latini), 94–95
Boppe, Meister, 92
composer, 92
poet, 92
Sangspruchdichtung, 92
Bossu d’Arras. See Adam de la Halle
Brabantsche yeesten (Brabantine Deeds) (Jan van Boendale),
Bragi Boddason, 92–93
poet, 92–93
Ragnarsdrápa, 92–93

skald, 92–93
Brailes, William de, 94
illuminator, 94
manuscript, 94
Breslau Altarpiece, Pleydenwurff, Hans, 541
Bretel, Jehan, 4
Brethren of the Common Life, Radewijns, Florens, 552
Brethren of the Free Spirit, 633, 634
Britannici sermonis liber vetustissimus, 657
Brunetto Latini, 94–95
author, 94–95
Book of the Treasure, 94–95
Dante Alighieri, 160, 163, 165
Little Treasure, 94–95
public offi ces, 94
translator, 94–95
Bruno of Egisheim. See Leo IX, Pope
Brut (La 3 amon), 400
Brut (Layamon), 400
Buccolicum carmen (Giovanni Boccaccio), 80–81
Büchlein der Wahrheit (Little Book of Truth) (Heinrich Seuse),
Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit (Little Book of Eternal Wisdom)
(Heinrich), 598
Buonaccorsi fi rm, 647, 648
Buoncompagno da Signa, 96–97
Ancient Rhetoric, 96
author, 96–97
historian, 96–97
law, 96–97
Liber de obsidione Ancone, 96
philosophical tracts, 96–97
Rhetorica novissima, 96
Burchard of Mount Sion, 97–98
crusades, 98
Descriptio Terrae Sanctae, 97
Dominican, 97–98
pilgrimage, 97–98
travel narrative, 97–98
Burgundian state
culture, 531
formation, 529
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 530
Burhs, 27
Burley, Walter, 45
Busnoys, Antoine, 98
composer, 98
poet, 98
service of Burgundian court, 98
Byrhtferth, 98–100
computus, 99
hagiography, 99
historian, 100
History of the Kings, 100
Life of St. Ecgwine, 99
Life of St. Oswald, 99
decline, 608
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 388–389
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 620
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