Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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political activities, 139
society’s attitudes toward women, 139
Chronica majora (Roger of Wendover), 460
Chronicle of Genoa (Jacobus da Voragine), 355
Chronicle of the Affairs of Lucca (Giovanni Sercambi), 597
Chronicle (Salimbene de Adam), 589–590
Chronicles of England (William Caxton), 115
Chronicon (Thietmar of Merseburg), 622
Chronik (Leopold Stainreuter), 607
Chronique des ducs de Normandie (Benoît de Sainte-Maure),
Chrysoloras, Manuel, 590
Church reformer
Arnold of Brescia, 46–47
ecclesiastical hierarchy, 46–47
wealth of clergy, 46–47
D’Ailly, Pierre, 158
Damian, Peter, 158–159
Gerhoh of Reichersberg, 247
Grosseteste, Robert, 277
Guzmán, Domingo de, 287–288
Leo IX, Pope, 402–403
Nicholas of Cusa, 479–480
Ubertino da Casale, 633–635
Urban II, Pope, 641
Cicero, 96, 432
Ciconia, Johannes, 139–140
composer, 139–140
musician, 139–140
Cimabue, 140–141
Giotto di Bondone, 256, 257
painter, 140–141
Cino da Pistoia, 141–142
author, 141–142
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 80, 142
Dante Alighieri, 141, 142
jurist, 141–142
Lectura in codicem, 141
Petrarca, Francesco, 141, 142
poet, 141–142
Cino dei Sighibuldi. See Cino da Pistoia
Cîteaux monastery, 573
City league, Charles IV, Emperor, 125
City Patrons’ Altarpiece or Dombild, 412–413
Civic humanist ideal, 105
Clare, Saint, 142–143
founder of second order of Franciscans, 142
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 223
Poor Clares, 142–143
Claros varones de Castilla (Fernando del Pulgar), 643
Classical Arabic literature, Ibn Zaydun, 345
Clement III, Antipope, 641
Clement III, Pope, 275
Clement V, Pope, 143–144, 634
Boniface VIII, Pope, 143
Constitutiones Clementinae, 143
Council of Vienne, 143
Henry VII of Luxembourg, 143
Knights Templar, 143
Philip IV the Fair, King of France, 143, 527

pontifi cate in France, 143
relations with empire, 143
Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, 572
selection as pope, 143
Vilanova, Arnau de, 646
Clement VII, Pope, 663
Clergy king, 124
Clericis laicos, 190
Cligés (Chrétien de Troyes), 135, 136, 137
Clotar I, 145
Clotar II of Neustria, 511
Clovis I, 144–145
administration, 144–145
fi rst Christian king of the Franks, 144
Frankish kingdom, 144–145
Frankish-Byzantine cooperation, 144
Cnut, Danish and English King, 145–146, 192, 240, 681–682
accession, 145
administrative structures, 145
grip on kingdom, 145
strengthened ties to Normandy, 146
Codex regularum (Leodegundia), 403
Cœur, Jacques, 146
fi nanced reconquest of Normandy and Guyenne, 146
merchant, 146
Coinage, 616
Frederick II, 234
Hadrian I, Pope, 292
Valois, 146
Cola di Rienzo
Petrarca, Francesco, 520, 521
Rome, 520, 521
Collationes (John Duns Scotus), 185
College of Cardinals, 152, 403
Colliget (Averroès), 54
Colonization, Henrique, Prince of Portugal, 312
Colonna family, Boniface VIII, Pope, 91
Columbus, Christopher, 146–148
ancients as sources, 147–148
explorer, 146–148
geographer, 147
incunabula, 147
literary infl uence, 146–147
schooling, 147
Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 628
Comedy of the Florentine Nymphs (Giovanni Boccaccio),
Comic poetry
Cecco Angiolieri, 115–116
Immanuel Romano, 346
Comic style, 367–368, 580
Commentaria in quinque libros decretalium (Pope Innocent
IV), 349
Commentary on the Dream of Scipio (Macrobius), 431, 432
Commynes, Philippe de, 148
author, 148
early example of memoir-as-history, 148
historian, 148
Louis XI, King of France, 148
Mémoires, 148
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